
30, Male

amsterdam ny

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Junior Firefighter/Explorer
Years in Fire/EMS:
7 Months
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Fort Johnson Volunteer Fire Company, Fort Johnson NY 12070
Years With Department/Agency
7 Months
Dept. Web Site:
About Me:
I would always be there when you need me. I would always be on call for everything big and small and thats a promise. I want to prepare for the future of firefighting and learn as much as I can now and I am going to start that now.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined the fire department because even though its alot of work it pays off. It makes you seem like you are a bigger person in this world. I like to do a good deed for other people because the good comes right back at you
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I want to help out people when they are in need so I don;t get walked on when I am in the need of help. I'm Ever Ready, Ever Willing to protect the property and life of others.

Comment Wall:

  • Jim aka Bick

  • Gina

  • Ryan

    thanx man...i am doin some researh for my cadt do u guys get yer gear when u get new gear?
  • Gina

    yes i'm new to the site
  • M.A. Perkins E.M.T.(aka Tony)

    hi brian
    welcome too firefighter nation . if you have any qeustions please feel free too give me a hollor and ill help you out the best i can.i know you will love the fire dept. i started out as a Jr. member years take care and be careful out in this world

    Lt.Michael A. Perkins
    Fire Department
    Rescue Squad
    Infectionist Control Officer
  • Gina

    heyt thanks i'm like i don't know what to expect but in a way i should cuz i been on a million calls with my dad
  • Gina

    hey do u have aim??
  • Joel

    BE SAFE!

    MySpace Comments - Firefighter Support
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  • AFDMedic10

    Happy Holidays.. Be safe
  • Dylan

    hay man thanks for the add be safe out there on explorer to another
  • Jim

    Thanks for the add Brian. Just remember that it takes more than one person to save the world. Start off by being a great firefighter as part of a great team. I'll help the best I can if you have any questions.
  • turk182

    checking in with all my friends hope you are well and stay safe.
  • Jim

    Thanks for the compliment Brian. I'm with a department in Michigan. Commerce Fire Department. I did not hear about your fire but I hope everyone is safe.