

Helix, Oregon

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department, EMS Chief / Division Head
Years in Fire/EMS:
20 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Helix, Oregon
Years With Department/Agency
10 years
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
District 12A Training Association
Apple Valley City Fire Department
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
San Bernardino County Fire Dept.
My Training:
FF2, EMT-B, Instructor 1 And you get the idea, 20 years of training adds up to a really long boring list of classes and certificates.
About Me:
Let's see, I grew up as the Captain's daughter, swore to myself that I would never work in the same station as my step dad because of the headaches that would cause. But about 6mos after turning 18, I couldn't stand to not be a part of it so I joined the local PCF station where he was also a Captain. Needless to say, there were challenging times but I wouldn't change it. I met my husband of 18 years in that dept. and got my first taste of the being a firefighter. The rest is history you might say. Over the course, I've tried to give up suppression because as a Mom it can be dangerous and little ones made it difficult to respond as much as I would have liked. I went into prevention and all the while my heart ached to be back on the engines. Following my heart, I returned to the suppression end of it and continued to work hard and to learn a lot. Recently I was promoted to Fire Chief. Now I'm REALLY working hard and learning A LOT! :) So in a nutshell, there's the Cliffnote version of my story. Zip me an email if you have any questions or comments.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It's in my blood. My Dad is a retired Captain for the Space Shuttle Rescue Team at Edwards AFB. After experiencing the fire service through him I knew there was nothing else that would satisfy me.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
being able to help my neighbor when no one else can.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Being everything to everyone at any time and being good at it.

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  • Steve Shore

    Hi I just joined the Oregon Group and I'm just starting to get my site done.

    Have a great Day!
  • Danny

    Hi michele how are ya doing..hope ya have a great week take care.....

    hello michele just visited your site and just wanted to say hi and have a great day
  • Danny

    Hi there..well glad ya got the stuff done and now on to new things again..well hope ya have a great rest of the weekend...
  • Danny

    hey there i got an email that there is a request for strike teams from this area to go to cali..so will see what happens..I would like to go but won't be able to due to work..
  • Danny

    i know just looken at the fire behavior is just extreme..anyways the five agencies in benton sent rigs down there they left this morning...so whats up in your dist anything good...
  • scott kauhn

    hope you have a good and safe weekend
  • Danny

    hey girl..well hope ya had a good weekend..i spent all day saturday at the fire training center helping train some new ff..it was a good day just long specially on friday had a garage fire and so now sleep all day and then a long day on sat..then had to go out n tie one on..wow its amazing i don't know if its the age or what but geeze don't remember too much of went on lol..took one of the guys out to celebrate his new job in idaho..hope ya have a good week..
  • Maygin

    I am super impressed that your fire chief of your dept. its always cool to see a woman in a position of power and knows what shes doing. Now dont get me wrong im not a feminist but it helps me refocus and have something to work for knowing that other people have been there.
  • Danny

    Hey michele..how are ya..far as i know they are not back yet..last i heard they were running calls for the locals out of some station in s cali. and they seem to be enjoyen that..looks like they should be home sometime tomorrow eve..
    here is the web site to richland fire there is some pics and a little journal..
  • Danny

    Hi michele i hope ya have a safe trip to see family and your friends..have a great time visiting and enjoy the day of being thankful for the things we have...talk to ya when ya get back..
  • Captain Hays

    Hi Michele, just wanted to say hi. Hope all is well for you department. Everything here in College Place, WA is going good. Have a safe and happy holidays
  • Danny

    Yo girl you back yet or you still out site seeing..talk at ya later...
  • Jules

    Hey Michelle,
    I am just joining FFN and enjoyed reading your advice!
  • Jules

    Thanks for the comment and I love it!
    Be safe out there!
  • Captain Hays

    All is great here. Just went off my week long shift it was nice and calm. My brother is on shift, so he'll get all the action calls!!! Take care and talk at you later.
  • Danny

    Well glad ya made it back in one piece..and i bet it would of been nice to come back to the 70's instead of the 30's big difference..well take care and will talk at ya later..
  • Joe Brooks

    Hey Michele!

    Where is Helix?
  • Danny

    Hey girl whats up..was the accident on 730 was that in your dist or was it further up the river. or if ya know the details inquiring minds like to know hehe..Hope ya had a great weekend
  • Allen Wahlstrom

    great reply on the womens thread...almost exactly what I was thinking. Have worked with many and all of your comments apply to different ones.
    Oh and congrats on Chief of Deprartment.
    Stay Safe
  • Delayne Webster

    Hey Michele, Just droped in to say hello. An congrats on your chief pos. Be safe out there an happy holidays.
  • michael m madsen

    HEJSA MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A ................
    Hilsen MICHAEL M MDSEN Firefighter:::::::)
    djørn min Groups........michael m madsen's Groups. Delete Comment
  • Joel Swanson

    Happy Holidays Michele.
    Here's hoping for a Happy, Healthy & Safe Holiday Season!
  • Rich

    Have a very safe holiday

    MySpace Comments - Merry Christmas
    MySpace Layouts - Merry Christmas
    Free Comments & Graphics
  • Danny

    hello michele how are ya doing..whats ya been up too nothen much going on here..any ways take care and hope you all have a great and safe christmas...
  • M.A. Perkins E.M.T.(aka Tony)

    welcome too firefighter nation be safe and be careful
    wish you a wonderful christmas and a happy new year

    Lt. Michael A. Perkins
    Fire Department
    Rescue Squad
    Infectionist Control Officer
  • M.A. Perkins E.M.T.(aka Tony)

    welcome too firefighter nation be safe and be careful
    wish you a wonderful christmas and a happy new year

    Lt. Michael A. Perkins
    Fire Department
    Rescue Squad
    Infectionist Control Officer
  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Michele,
    Have A Super New Year & May Great Things Happen for You in 2008...
  • Danny

    Michele michele how goes the battle down there..so did ya get much wind or did it blow over the top of ya..take care
  • Paul Johnson

    Hey michelle,just courious how many alarms for 2007?....north county fire fire dist #3 hit a milestone for the first time we went over 5000 calls..
    have a great day

  • Danny

    michele how are ya doing..not too much going on just been worken..take care and have a great weekend..
  • Danny

    Well hey...well ya know sounds like your haven fun selling and buying..and test driving toys hehe..but the wind yea it didnt even touch here..i was actually worken that day in walla walla and WOW what a day it was..watchen power poles lean trees falling and roofs blowing off..they were actually a little behind on there calls so we sent a strike team of a few engines and a couple medics over to help them out for half the day..but it was crazy over there it was like a war zone..glad your doing good..will catch ya later have a great weekend...
  • Paul Johnson

    Thanks for your reply.No i dident go on all 5 thousand we have seven stations and we cover about 105 square miles,as for my station in Gold Hill we had alittle over three hundred calls last year and about 97% were medical.This year we had our first fire of the year,It was a greenhouse/pig pen,unforutionaly they lost two sows and twentyone piglets,it was a mess.Be safe and hope to hear from you someday.
  • Randy Hill

    Were is Helix Oregon/ Is it close to Medford. I vaction out there almost every summer have to go to the coast. Have family in the Roseburg area. Do you belong to a busy department? Michele you be safe out there. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. And Go Ducks!!!
  • Joshua T Hill

    I Like the tunes. Where's Helix anyway? Just gaining some friends from my area. From what I can see, that looks a lot like the Portland Rock Gym. Hope you're doing well Michele. Stay safe.
  • Tim Reynolds

    Hello from Pilot Rock!! Your not that far from the Rock. Well, hope your doing well. Stay safe!!
  • turk182

    checking in with all my friends hope you are well and stay safe.
  • Tim Reynolds

    Hey! Ya, I'll try to stay warm, you do the same!! I'll be sure to tell Stanton Hello for you Michele. Have a good one!! LOL
  • Joshua T Hill

    Well, we've had a some minuscule snowfalls around Portland, but nothing stuck. I grew up in Colorado so I love the snow. I'll have to get up to the mountain soon. Hope all is well Michele.
  • Danny

    Michele how are ya getting by over there..things are going pretty good here we got our new structure gear pretty fancy hehe..talk at ya later..
  • v. Bellissimo

    Congratulations Chief! not many Female Chiefs in the Fire Service. I'm 1st asst Chief for the 2nd time in 20 years,I'll be Chief of Dept next year. I share your agonies and your joys. It's a difficult position, particularly for Volunteers, but we wouldn't trade it for anything, would we?
  • Ric Smith

    Hi Michele, welcome.... So, you're from Orange eh?!? Where abouts? I'm from Anaheim myself. As far as a patch, I designed several patches to include our dept & union patch (both are in my photos). Let me know what you're look'n for & I'll be glad to help. Stay safe, Ric
  • Leola Hulet

    Hello, Im new and Seen that your from Helix oregon. I used to be on the Athena and Weston( Now know as East Umatilla Co. Rural fire department) fire departments I was in Athena OR back in 1995 and Weston OR in 1996-1997. I still keep in touch with one of the older firefighters in Weston. Nice to see someone from that area on here. Add me as a friend if you like. Have a great day. Leola
  • Leola Hulet

    Hello, Yep Don Jackson was the chief then. I keep in touch with Bill Boyd yet over the years Bill is a great guy. Great station, Loved working with them. I wish I could have stayed there longer, but had to move. Thanks for stopping by my page and leaving me a note. Take care. Leola
  • danny w furr

    hello there Michele.like to be one of your friends here.pleae be safe out there.danny
  • Leola Hulet

    I lived there about 2 years In Athena/Weston. I like Dillon, Im not on the department here as they have enough right now, but Im hoping to get on the forest service here as I also am a wildland firefighter also for them.
  • Justin Payne

    just wanted to say hello
  • Lane Doby

    Hi there! I hope you're having a great day!
  • dcltsc2

    How are you. Stay Safe and Stay low GOD BLESS
  • Justin Payne

    just popping in to say hi