Justin Hill

41, Male

Edinburg, Texas

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter, Hazardous Materials Team Member
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
McAllen, Texas
Years With Department/Agency
4 1/2
My Training:
Firefighter (Basic), HazMat Technician, Car Seat Technician

NFA (National Fire Academy) Course:
1. Emergency Response to Terrorism :Basic Concepts
2. Arson Detection for the First Responder
3. INC Command/Structural Collapse Inc
4. Courtroom Preparation and Testimony for First Responders
5. DEM 80 Hr. Chemistry for Emergency Responders Training
6. Firefighter Safety and Survival
7. Managing Company Tactical Operations: Decision Making
8. Introduction to Unified Command for Multiagency and Catastophic
9.NIMS; ICS for Fire Service (ICS 100/200)
10. Car Seat Technician
11. Anniston, Alabama Hot Drill w/ VX and GB nerve agents @ CDP (Homeland Security/Fema).
About Me:
Ask Me and I'll tell
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Fire Department is in the family and my mother is a nurse. It only makes sense to join the profession to help others, who at any moment, would not be able to help themselves.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
What isn't to love about it? If I have to pick, it's the LIFE of a FIREFIGHTER
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Safety, Safety, Safety. Also under budgeting with the services (which is everywhere).

Comment Wall:

  • Tom Kenney


    Thanks for the interest! You can pick it up online at Amazon.com, Bordersbooks.com, Barnesandnoble.com, or PublishAmerica.com.

    You can also order it from any bookstore. If you have any trouble, let me know.

  • Tom Kenney

    Sure, send me an e-mail to tekpfd@cox.net and I'll give you my address. Then you can send me $22 ($2 to cover Shipping) and your address and I'll send you an autographed copy.

  • SamanthaRose

    Eh...don't get caught up in all the hurricane hoopla... Have a party to celebrate the fact that you might not have to go to work...That's what we did when I lived in FL
  • Glenn Guidroz

    Very cool tattoo
  • Strike the Box

    Just wanted to tell you that your firefighter tattoo is one of the most visited pages in the miscellaneous category! Thanks for sending it into www.strikethebox.com.

    Here is the url to your page in case you want to check it out: http://strikethebox.com/tattoo/misc/2007_misc/06/Hill.htm
  • Brenda

    Hi, Justin. My name is Brenda, I seen your name on Tim Miller's list. I am also a friend of your uncle Tom. Glad to see you on here. Take care and stay safe out there!!!
  • Tim Miller


    I remember you when you were little. I used to be at Richeyville I'm at Bentleyville now for the last 17 years. I'm also a part time paid firefighter by Century 3 Mall. You know my whole family my dad is Larry Miller AKA Lurch. Stay Safe and keep in touch.
  • Brenda

    Are you looking for just fire dept patches, or can they be ems?
  • Brenda

    Get me your address and I will see what I can do. Can you send us one of yours?
  • Brenda

    We had a LODD in our area last night. The fire chief from Elizabeth Boro, Elizabeth, Pa. He colloapsed on scene, they think that it was a heart attack, but they have to do an autopsy. He was only 56. I will send updates as I find out. Take care and stay safe!!!!!
  • david rossetti

    same here how's mcallan.i have some friends that work there.lt.farell,hris davidson,art rocha,and i will even admit i know philip winger.not many valley ff's here we need to fix that.later
  • david rossetti

    last i heard he was on injury leave.hes on another shift.dont know when he comes back.
  • toddlindgren

    I was back in the early 80's there are pics at central station of my grandfather and my dad hanging on the walls. from the 30's to the 80's. if you see cesar or mario davila we were in the same recrut class, tell them hello
  • Allen Wahlstrom

    Hey Brother not to many of us in S. Texas on here. Keep it safe...
  • Allen Wahlstrom

    We just lost 8 slots, but were 11 short, so it didnt affect any jobs. If you dont have military it's almost impossible to get hired DoD these days. About to be short tho...have 4 retiring and 2 leaving for CCAD.
    How is McAllen? We jsut started runniong with the City in the Bluff, makes things a little more interesting.
  • Allen Wahlstrom

    No we are running with Corpus Fire in and around Flour Bluff. Autoaid now. Started about 2 months ago.

    As for the Pis, its a guys Tat that I used to make my fantasy football team Logo out of. I am actually working on that as a shirt idea. Clean up the pic etc...Ill let ya know when it happens.
  • Allen Wahlstrom

    We just bought a house in Del Mar old part of Corpus and it's nice quiet, but bad part is still too close. Looks like 6 points is starting to pick up and get cleaner tho.
  • David R Guthrie Jr

    Love the tattoo, Botheerhood to the bone, that is awsome. I need to get my FF tatts on line
  • Brenda

    Hey!!! It's been a while, been kinda busy. The funeral went as expected, very sad!! Hope you are doing well, take care and stay safe!!!!!
  • Amanda 11-33

    Hey! Yeah... I found you through one of them. And, unfortunately, I don't know many people at 27 but I might know him if I saw him. As for patches, the only ones I have access to would be the Bentleyville VFD patch and I'm sure you probably already have one of those. I don't think that I can get patches from the ambulance services I work for but I will ask for you. I'm not making any promises but if I can get them, I'll message you to get your mailing info.
    Well... have a good one and stay safe!
  • Brenda

    Here is my address
    Brenda Johnson
    PO Box 34
    Bentleyville, Pa 15314

    Take care and as always, STAY SAFE!!!
    Been kinda busy at work, but I am still working on the patches for you

    is affirmative
  • Brian Slack

    Great tattoo, very creative!
  • susan

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    stay safe
  • susan

    EditingMySpace.com,Your one stop graphic spotMyspace Layouts & Graphics