
66, Male

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Columbus Ohio
Years With Department/Agency
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
why not

Comment Wall:

  • Sheryl

    Welcome to the firefighter nation......from one newbie to another
  • Sheryl

    that's okay...i've been working on making my profile look half way don't like being plain.
  • Sheryl

    lol..........true, i've never been mistaken for "plain"
  • Sheryl

    okay... I think I'm done playing with my page...look at it and tell me what you think.
  • jeff schick

    Ya i enjoy wyoming. But looking at leaving to go to Denver to get on a paid fire dept.
  • Christy

    I saw a comment of yours on someone else's page so I thought I would stop by and say

    M GO BLUE!!!!! lol
  • Christy

    ha ha...of course Ohio will win if the refs aren't going to make any calls! lol
  • Christy

    Don't say a word!! LOL
  • Christy

    Luckily I have been out running calls all day so I didn't have to watch more than 5 minutes.
  • Sheryl

    Arkansas won their game too......suprise suprise!!!! AND I think our coach is leaving!!! I have to say....good ridence if he does go........he was awesome in the beginning, but after 10 years, he has completely stopped bringing anything to the table.
  • Randy Macey

    Thanks for the ad.... Your right "Close Calls" is something I see with new and season firefighters.
    Figured it would be good to learn by others, we always learn best by others mistakes. Some tasks you don't get a second chance at....
  • jeff schick

    good luck on the retirement. Look forward from hearing from you.
  • jeff schick

    Wow sounds exciting. I cant wait but i would like to be on the pumper first be nozzle man. Then I wouldn't mind stepping up to a ladder truck. I'm not sure where to go. I got an invite to apply with Seattle but, would like to apply with Denver closer to home for my step-daughter.
  • Steve

    thanks have my heart and sole in it not to metion all my $$$$$$. i am considering selling it the only problem who can aford a one of a kind custom for 54,000.00.maybe jay leno or someone like that . be safe
  • jeff schick

    how big is your city?
  • jeff schick

    Ya I'm jealous. Can't wait to start testing with departments........................ Have a good day
  • Mary T. McElroy

    Thanks Dogg, things are going ok in Balto, know any good chiefs? Ours is leaving at the end of the year!
  • Randy Macey

    Understand that feeling, preach what we teach or is it the other way around.
    We all learn by mistakes, and sometimes share those mistakes of others to new recruits or other firefighters so that they don't have to learn the hard way. Thanks for sharing,
    I think that is one of my biggest fears is falling through a floor. Most of our homes in our area are all design homes. So each time you go in one, it's a different feeling not knowing the lay out. I came close to one with a basement stairs that did not have a railing around the entrance going down. Just one big hole and lots of smoke, and did not feel right and took a couple of seconds to figure out what it was....

  • Mary T. McElroy

    LMAO, yeah I know what ya mean!
  • Rhonda

    Hey Rural Hall is just North of Winston Salem..Hope you're having a great week...Hugs from NC
  • Rhonda

    Hey, Good to hear from you..Yep ya'll came right by. Did you enjoy Mt Airy...I go there alot..Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!! Be Safe..
  • jeff schick

    happy thanksgiving..................
  • Sheryl

    was that a hell of a game or what??? I have no fingernails
  • Sheryl

    they are suppose to hold a press conference at 6:30 tonight and it's expected that Coach Nutt is handing in his resignation. I'll keep ya informed.
  • Sheryl

    here is the link to the news story on Coach Nutt

    He did resign effective immediately
  • Captain Hays

    Hay my brother have great day and be safe out there.
  • Sheryl

    try they have the story on him going to Ole Miss
  • jeff schick

    good to hear from ya its cold here too. And we have about 10 or 11 inches on the ground. No auto wrecks yet!!!! Well take care and KEEP'EM ROLLIN...................... jeff
  • Sheryl

    Yea, the weather is pretty nasty but it's mostly rain and extreme fog. North Arkansas (where my son is) is getting hammered with ice though. How is the weather where your at?? STAY SAFE!!!!
  • Spanner 122

    Hey Dogg!! Thanks for the comment. I had another concern about an 18 year old driving the rig, but I thought I would leave that for someone else to pick up on! I just feel we encounter enough dangers, there are so many things we can prevent!!
  • Spanner 122

    Yup, the snow is flying here now.We're expecting anywhere from 40-65 cms... wooohooo, definitely going to have to ski this week!! :)

    I don't think you were harsh at all. It pains me to hear comments like that (the second one in particular) from teenagers who have experienced nothing other than high school and tv. Sigh... hopefully he comes to his senses, and hopefully he isn't really driving!