Ken Stahl

66, Male

Lititz, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic, EMT - Basic, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Salunga, PA
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Florin Fire Department and Fire Department Mount Joy
My Training:
About Me:
I have been a volunteer ff/emt since 1974.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My dad was a volunteer firefighter and I followed in his footsteps
Why I Love Fire/EMS
helping people in need
Top Issues Facing Responders:
retention and recruitment

Comment Wall:

  • Allen Wahlstrom

    So with a name like Stahl ya gotta be Swedish...right?
    Well if so come join our Nordic Firefighters Group.

    Stay Safe
  • Judy Milliman

    Hi Ken how are you doing. Thanks for adding me to the list...Judy Milliman
  • anne

    Thanks for adding me Ken. This is a great sight
  • Laurie

    thanks for the add!!! HOpe you had a great thanksgiving. Be safe
  • Valarie

    Thanks for the add.
  • susan

    Hi Ken , thank you for becoming a friend of mine and its nice to meet you .l had been doing it for almost 4 years but had to stop because of my COPD . but l keep up with everything tht is going on , once again its nice to meet you and everyone ... sue
  • Wendy Neumeyer

    Hey Ken, Thanks for inviting me to be your friend. Hope you enjoyed your holiday! Wendy
  • Ken Stahl


    Sorry I didn't get back to you right away because we just ran a fire call while I was here at the station. Hope you enjoyed your holiday to.

  • Betty Cook

    thanks for adding me and i'm sure i will enjoy talking with u in the future we have a very small vol dept with only 12 active members have a few who just joined
  • Betty Cook

    looks like someone else is a night owl
  • Ken Stahl


    Yes I am I work 2nd shift and I am always up until at least 2:00 AM.


  • Emily

    Hi Ken, To get the Code3D software you go to and in the top right hand corner you will see a button to sign up. You need to register for the product.

    Once you have registered you will receive an e-mail verfication to activate your Code3D account. Click the link in the e-mail and then you will be able to download the product.

    Once that is done, you can e-mail or call us and we will give you a product key to run the software.

    Three easy steps! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
  • Ken Stahl


    Thanks for the information and I will try it. Can you send me your email address and/or phone number to my email address at


    Ken Stahl
    Lt. Hempfield Fire Dept.
  • Julie

    Thanks for the add
  • Kellie

    Thanks For The Add Have a Safe Holiday
  • Ken Stahl


    You stay safe also and keep in touch.
  • msfirefighter0

    Greetings from Mico texas..thanks for the ad.
    Stay warm and safe!
  • Rhonda

    it care
  • Katrina

    Thanks for the friend request.
  • Brenda

    Hi Ken Thanks for the friend invite.
  • candy

    Just wanted to say hi!!! Stay safe out there!!!
  • Rhino

    Hi!! Thanx for the add!!
  • Stacey

    Your welcome
  • Deborah

    Thank you for the add sir. You have an awesome week :) Be safe out there!
  • Jamie Calender

    Hey thanks for the coment and yes i did add you as a friend.
  • Ken Stahl


    Thanks for adding me as a friend and hope to talk to you again sometime.
  • Katie Rogers

    Thanks! Do you think anyone will be interested in coming to "The Early Show?"
  • Michael Stepp

    Thanks, and I guess I will talk to you later got to run...
  • Michelle

    thanks for the invite
  • Shelly

    Thanks for the comment and the add.. have a good day
  • Bambi

    thanks for the invite!! where did you get the firemans prayer song? who sings it? i really like it.. have a great weekend!!!
  • Ed Fox

    Hey Ken, THanks for the add
  • *Liz*

    Thanks! stay safe

  • Trish

    Hi Ken. Thnx for the shout out!
  • Laura

    Thanks for the add! Enjoy your holidays! *muahz*
  • Fire Marshal; Sandy - aka Honey

    I'd consider it my pleasure to add you to my list of friends...girl can never have too many. Thanks for the request. God bless ya.
  • SLIM