
35, Female

King William

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, EMS/Rescue Squad/Hospital EMS - Paid
Job Function
Lieutenant, Firefighter / EMT-Basic, First Responder, Hazardous Materials Team Member
Years in Fire/EMS:
Since May of '04
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
King William Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad. Aylett, VA
Years With Department/Agency
Since May of '04
My Training:
I have been an EMT-Basic for four years and have been a firefighter for three years. I have only had the chance to take FF1 as our department is a bit slow on the training side of things. I am also a PADI open water scuba diver. I am in school right now for my minor in Associates of Applied Science (Paramedic) so in two years I will be a Paragod lol, also for my Fire Technology degree and my magor in Criminal justice so at the moment I am a full time student.
About Me:
Theres not much to tell. I joined because I was bored and wanted to get out of my house and got hooked. I have scrubbed shit covered toilets and bottoms, got bloody vomit projected into my hair, been punched, kicked, and grabbed by my bunker coat and tossed around, suspended, burned, and I still keep coming back for more because I am in love with the little moments. Having a older woman tell me her stories on the way to the hospital, preforming CPR and bringing somone back, breakin shit up after a house is burned (REHAB), holding a child in my arms, and having someone look up at me and say "thank you". I swear its like crack to me.
Day Job:
EMT-B at Kings Domionion
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I wanted something to do and I love working with the elderly.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
my crew and working calls.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
The lack of funding and members for volunteer fire departments. The lack of interest in EMS and running rescue calls when our department has already run 400 EMS calls and only 28 Fire calls so far this year not that im bashing fire just that well look at the numbers before you bitch. To many arrogant firefighters that get people killed.

Comment Wall:

  • Andy Garrett

    What the fuck
  • Wayne Mitchell

    Hi Maygin, thanks for the add... Hope all is well!!
  • iceman

    Hi Maygin,
    No matter how old or young, there is something about hearing as a first responder thank you.
    Maybe its the adrenline rush, or maybe were just plain crazy for doing it. But there is a great satifaction when you save someone. Be safe and keep having fun doing it.
  • Andy Garrett

  • Wayne Mitchell

    Hello, things are quiet here also. No calls so far today.
    :( Well I hope you have a good day and be safe out there...
  • Joe Totero

  • John Franklin

    thank you for adding me to your list.I hope things are gooding well. be safe

    hey thanks for the add and stay safe
  • 99

    Yes - that is one of those head scratchers.

    My favorite comment to date had to be "why do we need to get new equipment when the ancient crap we use now has always been good enough and no body has died so far?"

    So far...

    But those issues have been addressed and after the state got involved things have improved some.

    Great to meet you.
  • iceman

    no problem, been busy on this end also
  • Danny

    Hi maygin how are ya doing..stopped into say hi hope you have a great weekend stay at ya later..
  • Danny

    Hi there sorry to hear that ya had to attend a funeral..those are never any fun. Well i went to some mud boggen 4x4 rigs. We camped out there for the weekend..was kinda cool but we survived..i kept the fire burnen at camp hehe..well take care talk to ya soon..
  • Danny

    lol..gotta love that redneck country..heck its starten to cool off here its only in the 70's during the day and 40's at i don't have to worry about sweaten too on that note stay cool girl...yea you can only watch so many trucks wade thru the mood..i would rather watch fire trucks go screamen by..hehe actually did stop in at one of there fire stations up there..pretty cool for the area deep up in northern Idaho.
  • Jeff

    Thanks for the add...and I couldn't have asked for a better first comment experience...~LOL~
  • scott kauhn

    just wanted to say hi and stay safe
  • Jeff

    Ahhhh...If only, all women would treat me so well!!! ~LOL~
  • Donnie Eller

    thanks for the add stay safe and have agreat dat
  • Jeff you gotta luv a confident woman...
  • scott kauhn

    thanks for the add have a good weekend and maybe we'll have a fire lol
  • scott kauhn

    we got our fire did you get yours lol
  • scott kauhn

    i can relate weve been busy this weekend already have had 12 calls
  • Jeff

    Ugggg...a quiet weekend. Didn't get a single call. Back at my paying job today and they got two calls I couldn't go to. Uggg...just my luck. Hope you had a good one. BTW I always have candy...LOL.
  • Danny

    Hi maygin how are ya doing..hope you have a great week..take care talk at ya later...
  • scott kauhn

    so have you had any good call
  • Danny

    right on well i wish you time to catch up on sleep eat n showers..sounds like life is a little hectic for ya right now..but thats the way i like it keep me going..
  • Jeff

    It is really sad the way some people just don't care for their helpless family members. It apply to all ages from babies to the elderly. I just don't understand.

    Well if you like M&M I have been to your heaven...there is a M&M museum/store in Vegas. You can find any M&M you could ever desire there.
  • Jeff

    Me a tease????? Never!!!!
  • Danny

    So have you been able to get what you wanted to accomplish..we had drill tonight and was on RIT was lots of fun..yea baby its hump day lets keep the week going almost over..
  • Danny

    Just stopped into say hi..take care n hope ya have fun at the party..i probably wont be doing much except runnen calls by myself like i did earlier..well have a good rest of the weekend talk at ya later..
  • Jeff

    Well I'll see if I can tone down my teasing since it must be too much for ya...~LOL~ So did you have an eventful weekend? I was traveling a bit so no responses for me. :(
  • scott kauhn

    hows your week been ours has been kind of slow
  • scott kauhn

    have a good and safe weekend