My Hero Stocking Co. - Sue Kristensen

58, Female

Winters, CA

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • LadyChaplain

    that is pretty awesome!!!!
  • LadyChaplain

    Best of luck to you!!!
  • Wayne Mitchell

    Hi Sue, you're very welcome.. How are things in California? Well take care and talk to you soon!!!
  • Wayne Mitchell

    Hi Sue, I knoe you guy's out there don't get much rain. We haven't had much rain here since spring so it's been pretty dry all of our streams and rivers have started to dry up. Glenburn is just outside of Bangor in central Maine. We have a population of about 5,000 people and it's growing we have more subdivisions and trailor parks and new roads almost every week. It's a nice quiet town and we're only 10 minutes from the city so we have the country life but not far to the city either. Where are you located? Have a good night and a great week... Talk to you soon!!
  • scotty dion aka fyrplug

    wow those are so cool stockings
  • Andrew Robertucci

    Im doing good. Hope you have a safe week.
  • phinzup911

    Cool stockings. What a great idea! I have added your website to my favorites and may order some for Christmas!