
Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, Private EMS
Job Function
Other Emergency Services Staff
Years in Fire/EMS:
2 yrs
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Camarillo, CA
Years With Department/Agency
2 yrs
Dept. Web Site:
Day Job:
I am a dispatcher for American Professional Ambulance and soon to be EMT
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined the Fire Department as a volunteer because of a personal experience that happened to my little brother. I always wanted to do something that would be physically and mentally challenging, as well as, something that would give back to my community. I plan on becoming a Paramedic Fire Fighter soon and look forward to serving the people.

Comment Wall:

  • Angel

    Hello Everyone,

    I am new to this site so I just wanted to say HI and meet new people.
  • Corry Eveland

    Thanx For The Add!
  • Randy Macey

    Check out Roll Call Forum and put some info about your Fire House in... Like to hear what your station is like, what you have as well as for number for firefighters as well as number of calls. Pass it around to your Firefighter Friends too....

  • john preston

    hey hows life in CA?
  • Nettie

    Thanks for adding me! Have a good evening!
  • Steve

    Thanks for the add. Stay Safe.
  • john preston

    well Copalis Beach is located next to Ocean Shores, its on the coast....maybe about 30 miles from Hoquiam/Aberdeen.
  • john preston

    well some are but most the citys have paid depts. We mutal aid with Ocean Shores alot and they are both paid and vol. My dept covers about 20 miles of coast line and we have 2 major rivers running through our area. but it is nice and green here lots of trees....
  • john preston

    were directly west of olyimpia about 2 hrs....Grays Harbor County. if ya look at Wa State you will see the harbor. we are located at the north tip. the other side is Westport.
  • Cullen Wilson

    Hey whats up, hows California
  • Cullen Wilson

    Its pretty crappy over here, its raining like crazy today.
  • Cullen Wilson

    No actually I'm not sure who wrote it, its posted on a private web site and has an unknown author. But I really liked it to so I posted it. And thanks, I will be safe and so should you.
  • jbeanfirefighter

    just wanted to say hey and stay safe.
  • Joshau natale

    hey sup
  • john preston

    So how was your weekend....I went camping, fishing and for a short hike....It was a good weekend...pretty warm for this area....
  • Cullen Wilson

    Good morning, hows your day going so far?
  • Cullen Wilson

    Nothing to exciting around here, had a few good fires last week but nothing to crazy. I'm just looking forward my kelley week. I used to live in orange county, is that anywhere close to you?
  • Randy Macey

    Personal EMT Med Bag, do you carry one in your personal vech. and where is a good place to get one. Which one do you like....

    Thanks Mace
  • Cullen Wilson

    Im sorry to hear about your fallen brother, I know how how it is though, My chief died on duty back in Jan and it was really hard for us. Well keep all of you in our prayers.
  • Randy Macey

    Yes it must suck, seems like every course and class you go to. They state that you must have this and these books. I almost need to make a shelf for all the course books I have now. Thanks for the info. was talking to some of the EMT's here. They are going through a change to a new bag. So might get lucky and get one of the old ones. Just need for camp, would like something up there. It's about a 3 to 4 hour drive to the closest medical or hospital....
    Used to drive Ambulance up there 4X4 which was pretty cool, but not for the patient. Very rough ride!
  • Cullen Wilson

    Hey girl, whats up. Just checking in to see how your week is going. I hope all is well. BE CAREFUL !!!!!
  • Cullen Wilson

    I miss the weather in Cali, It wouldn't be so bad here but it seems like every time its over 100 degrees we end up training outside in gear all day. We were pretty busy yesterday though, I ran 9 medicals and 3 motor vehicle accidents. So why are you doing office work? don't you have assigned positions that you do daily or do they bounce you around all the time? I have to start driving Ladder-1 next month, and I'm dreading it. The truck is so damn big, I'm just a little nerves. Anyway it was good hearing from you again.
  • Cullen Wilson

    Ah.... Good Morning Sunshine!!! I hope you have a great day.
  • Cullen Wilson

    I'm glad you received the break you deserve, but now we need one over here. So share the wealth: )
  • Cullen Wilson

    Have A great day. PeAcE!!!!
  • john preston

    Hey Kid
    How ya doing....Hope your doing good and staying safe...
  • Steve Price

    What is a nice looking lady like you doin in the FD? Remember to wear your PPE and Stay down !!
  • Cullen Wilson

    Thats awesome!! Did you have fun?
  • Randy Macey

    Yes your right the books are great for a fall back or a brain fart to refresh. I also find the internet a great source for finding out as well. Well I'm back down from being up north, the leaves are starting the change and soon the white stuff. For those that have sandy beaches, it's not white sand. Should be a fun filled winter with lots of snow.....
  • Randy Macey

    Calif. Girls don't like Snow... I don't know how you can take it. I know I once spent Christmas in Florida and we all where at each other. It did not feel like Chistmas wearing shorts, it felt like spring break.
    Need to see the 4 seasons up here, and guess you missed out on snow days. No school due to snow!
    Can't see waiting be the radio and hearing SURF'S UP! and school is out today. To get rid of the chil is Hot Chocolate and a roaring fire... Does not matter if it's inside or outside got to have that fire to keep you warm. But then again, one does not have to worry waking up and realizing that they have to dig out there car or truck in the winter time down there.
    Guess it's all what you love!
  • Nettie

  • Nettie

    Hey no worries I haven't been on in awhile myself...Been on vacation then kids and myself got sick but here I am!!! Take care and have an awesome night!
  • Randy Macey

    Been to Cali. having a friend moving there. Just retired from Mississauga Fire as a Capt. and bought into a business. "Cars" has been looking at some homes, nasty prices in some of the locations he was showing me. Once he get's his Visa all straighten out, he's ready to head west. But for some reason he's having a hell of a time. Think the Laywers are just trying to make lots of money off him. Your right Cali. is very nice for weather, but when I watch the traffic reports. Your crazy out there, I stay here and take the Moose Crossings any day.
  • Nettie

  • Nettie

    Glad you liked my comment :D Sorry to hear about all that homework ICK! I am going to have a nice relaxing weekend well lets hope so anyway ;) Stay safe!
  • Cullen Wilson

    Hey girl whats up. hows life?
  • steve

    things on this coast are good. hope to talk to you soon
  • Cullen Wilson

    Good Morning!