Federal Firefighters

DOD Federal Firefighters

Automatic Aid

What type of automatic aid you have set up with your surrounding communities?
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    Respond as automatic Aid and requested. Dispatched by area dispatch (Subase Groton)
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    Chris Watson

    i am as NAS Oceana, we get tapped out only for fire and mva calls with the city. we get canceled inroute alot. but we occasionally beat the city to their call.
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    Jeffrey Danielson

    We (army) are told we can't have an automatic aid response with the surrounding communities. We can have mutual aid contracts, but not auto-aid. Makes no sense. It works the same, except the department has to request us instead of us already being enroute. However, it makes it look to the surrounding departments that we don't want to play with them. I know that's not the attitude from the guys on the floor. We want to go out the gates and play.