We are all familiar with FDNY and Chicago and some of the "bigger" bands. The closest one to me is The Orange County Fire Authority Pipe and Drums" and San Diego Emerald Society...what others are out there?
The Los Angeles Police Emerald Society P&D has a retired Costa Mesa FF in it's ranks.
I solo pipe for my department, Mono County Paramedic Fire Rescue.
Mono County is east of Yosemite and borders Nevada. The closest FD P&D is in Reno NV which is more than two hours away. I try to pipe for other local departments as requested. Mutual Aid so to speak.
Here in New Jersey, most bands are combo fire/police due to numbers. I'm the Drum Major with the Ocean County Emerald Society Pipes and Drums. Retired Fire Captain.
Band of Brothers pipes and drums
Sep 12, 2011
Richard Mitchell
You can add to your California list these two.
The Los Angeles Police Emerald Society P&D has a retired Costa Mesa FF in it's ranks.
I solo pipe for my department, Mono County Paramedic Fire Rescue.
Mono County is east of Yosemite and borders Nevada. The closest FD P&D is in Reno NV which is more than two hours away. I try to pipe for other local departments as requested. Mutual Aid so to speak.
Oct 25, 2011
Bob Kegley
Here in New Jersey, most bands are combo fire/police due to numbers. I'm the Drum Major with the Ocean County Emerald Society Pipes and Drums. Retired Fire Captain.
May 14, 2012