Have any departments using drager packs had any problems with them. These packs are like having a computer on your back. Has anyone have one fail on them or malfunction. I personaly don't like them. Just looking to see if anyone has any comments on it.
Very recently we had issues with the head's updisplay along with the buddy breathing system. The heads up display will go from showing a full bottle to an empty bottle and alarm out within in a matter of minutes. This has also somehow effected the harness gauge as well.
The buddy breathing system is....fragile. The connector lines that go from your pack to the other have not been locking in place, another issue is the RIT kit made by Draeger, the connections do not hold and normally come loose very easily.
When we first got these packs, we went through O rings on almost every change out.
Michael Meadows
Jan 30, 2011
John Crabbe
Jan 30, 2011
Erik Wood
The buddy breathing system is....fragile. The connector lines that go from your pack to the other have not been locking in place, another issue is the RIT kit made by Draeger, the connections do not hold and normally come loose very easily.
When we first got these packs, we went through O rings on almost every change out.
Jan 31, 2011