Firefighter Nation
The NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program has released the investigation report of the 2009 line of duty death of a Wisconsin firefighter and the injury of eight other firefighters.
Read The NIOSH Report
State of Wisconsin Report

Exploded dumpster and its’ remaining contents. (NIOSH photo)

A dumpster similar in size and shape to the one that exploded. (NIOSH photo)

Barrel that was blown from the dumpster and believed to have impacted the lieutenant who had been standing at that spot on the snow bank with the 1 ¾” hoseline. (NIOSH photo)

Steven J. 'Peanut' Koeser
In December 2009, a 33 year old male fire fighter died and eight fire fighters, including a lieutenant and a junior fire fighter, were injured in a dumpster explosion at a foundry in Wisconsin. At 1933 hours, dispatch reported a dumpster fire at a foundry in a rural area. Eight minutes later, the initial responding crews and the incident commander (IC) arrived on scene to find a dumpster emitting approximately two-foot high bluish green flames from the open top and having a ten-inch reddish-orange glow in the middle of the dumpster’s south side near the bottom.
The IC used an attic ladder to examine the contents of the dumpster: aluminum shavings, foundry floor sweepings, and a 55 gallon drum. Approximately 700 gallons of water was put on the fire with no affect. Approximately 100 gallons of foam solution, starting at 1 percent and increased to 3 percent, was then put on the fire, and again there was no noticeable effect.
Just over twelve minutes on scene, the contents of the dumpster started sparking then exploded sending shrapnel and barrels into the air. The explosion killed one fire fighter and injured eight other fire fighters, all from the same volunteer department.
Occupational injuries and fatalities are often the result of one or more contributing factors or key events in a larger sequence of events that ultimately result in the injuries or fatality. The NIOSH investigator identified the following items as key contributing factors in this incident that ultimately led to the line of duty death of one fire fighter and to the injuries of eight fire fighters:
Wet extinguishing agent applied to a combustible metal fire.
Lack of hazardous materials awareness training.
No documented site pre-plan.
Insufficient scene size-up and risk assessment.
Key recommendations from the investigation are:
Ensure that high risk sites such as foundries, mills, processing plants, etc. are pre-planned by conducting a walk through by all possible responding fire departments and that the plan is updated annually.
Ensure that specialized training is acquired for high risk sites with unique hazards, such as combustible metals.
Ensure that standard operating guidelines are developed, implemented and enforced.
Ensure a proper scene size-up and risk assessment when responding to high risk occupancies such as foundries, mills, processing plants, etc.
Ensure a documented junior fire fighter program that addresses junior fire fighters being outside the hazard zone.
Additionally, manufacturing facilities that use combustible metals should:
Implement measures such as a limited access disposal site and container labeling to control risks to emergency responders from waste fires.
Implement a bulk dry extinguishing agent storage and delivery system for the fire department.
Establish a specially trained fire brigade.
Inadequate disposal/storage of materials.