Multiple Choice

1. What are the characteristics of a chemical called that are measurable, such as vapor density, flammability, etc.?
A. Chemical properties
B. Bonding properties
C. Reactivity properties
D. Physical properties

2. What type of change is it when a chemical undergoes a change in its chemical make-up, usually with a release of some form of energy?
A. Physical
B. Electrical
C. Morphological
D. Chemical

3. What sort of change is decomposition?
A. Chemical
B. Physical
C. Mechanical
D. Combustive

4. What is the expansion ratio of water?
A. 1700 to 1
B. 1100 to 1
C. 700 to 1
D. 100 to 1

5. What is the flash point of gasoline?
A. -79° F
B. -43° F
C. 23° F
D. 79° F

6. What is the flash point of diesel fuel?
A. 120° F
B. 240° F
C. 360° F
D. 485° F

7. When there is too much fuel in a fuel/air mixture, what is this condition called?
A. Too lean
B. Dieseling
C. Too rich
D. Engine knock

8. How, if at all, is flammable range related to the relative danger of a substance?
A. The higher the bottom number, the more dangerous.
B. The narrower the range, the more dangerous.
C. The wider the range, the more dangerous.
D. There is no relationship between these quantities.

9. What does it mean if a substance’s vapor density is 2.3?
A. It will float in air.
B. It has a relatively high boiling point.
C. It has an extraordinarily high boiling point.
D. It will sink in air.

10. What mnemonic helps fire fighters remember a set of lighter-than-air gases?

11. In reference sources, vapor pressures reported usually assume a standard, arbitrary, ambient temperature. What is that temperature?
A. 0° C
B. 20° C
C. 70° C
D. 100° C

12. What is to liquids as vapor density is to gases?
A. Specific gravity
B. Volatility
C. Viscosity
D. Molecular weight

13. What will a liquid with a specific gravity of .7 do in water?
A. Float on top
B. Sink to the bottom
C. Mix
D. Not mix

14. Corrosives can be broken down into two groups. Which two?
A. Polars and non-polars
B. Chlorine-based and hydrogen-based
C. Acids and bases
D. Liquids and solids

15. At what pH is a substance neither acidic nor basic?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 7
D. 15

16. Roughly how many different products of combustion are given off by the burning of simple wood?
A. Just one
B. About 5
C. Over 70
D. Thousands

17. What is the residue of a chemical that has been released and physically contacts people, the environment, and animals called?
A. Corrosion
B. Infestation
C. Anodization
D. Contamination

18. What is defined as a material capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, or the environment and capable of causing harm?
A. A contaminant
B. A hazard
C. A Class II substance
D. An exposure

19. What is secondary contamination?
A. Contamination with a Class II substance or radioactivity
B. Contamination whose ill effects do not manifest right away
C. A benign substance coming into contact with another benign substance, creating a non-benign third substance
D. A contaminated person contaminating someone else, such as a rescuer

20. What mnemonic helps fire fighters remember the six categories of harm that can be caused by terrorism agents or other hazardous materials?

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