So I recently joined a fire department in another state other then what i live in, I joined one in jersey living in pa, they really didn't have any residency restrictions, basically show up when you can. Anyway They're allowing me to run blue lights, But my car and everything is registered to pa, Is it possible to get some type of out of state blue light permit?

Can I use a PA permit for NJ?

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Hi Carlo - Interesting question and I'd like to know the answer too!  My car is registered in NY (where I work an spend the week) but just joined as a volunteer FF at a company in PA.   Check into the state regulations.  In PA, for example, you just buy the lights yourself and then have to register with the local police (not the state). 



   Better check your laws again. In PA your department should be turning in a roster of everyone who runs blue lights to the state police:  75 PA code

 "4572. Visual signals on authorized vehicles.

(a) Flashing or revolving blue lights.--Ambulance personnel, volunteer firefighters,

certified volunteer search and rescue organizations and owners and handlers of dogs

used in tracking humans may each equip one motor vehicle with no more than two

flashing or revolving blue lights.

(1) In order to be eligible to display lights on their vehicles under this

subsection, the names of the ambulance personnel, volunteer firefighters and certified

volunteer search and rescue organization members shall be submitted to the nearest

station of the Pennsylvania State Police on a list signed by the chief of the ambulance

or fire department or company, the head of the search and rescue organization, and

each dog owner and handler shall register at the nearest Pennsylvania State Police


Dont know about running for a department in a different state then where you reside, but i was told by an Ohio state trooper that my light bar would have to be covered and marked out of service while my PA registered vehicle was in Ohio 

Thanks Marc - I appreciate the info.  I don't have blue lights yet, and might not get them 'cause my route to the station is pretty straight and easy.  I reside in PA (on the weekend, and in the sense also that I pay property taxes) it's just that my car has NY plates 'cause it's party in NYC during the week.  I can see, though, how it could be confusing to PA.  Me, I just want to responsibly and safely get to the station!

Maybe your best bet is not to run lights at all.  They have a habit of bringing the wrong attention to you.

If you're close enough to effectively respond without them then do that.  Nobody complains about Joe Schmoe doing 5-10 over the speed limit, or taking a liberty with a rolling stop.  The blue light is just a different colored bullseye on your back to make identification easier.

Interesting, Greg - I hadn't thought of that! I'm new to all this so all advice is appreciated.

Untrue, in the State of Pa your blue light must be registered with the state police

Thanks, Steve - yes, I've been so advised and will make sure I do that!

Thanks for replies, I've decided its best to not use blue lights, If Iam at the station and we get a call that's one thing but if I am not near the station i won't bother. seems like a lot of hassle. not worth it.

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