What if u was a rookie and the woman or man was a captian and you had the hots for them! How would u handle ur relationship on the job as well as at home! What will other co-workers say? And how will your chief take to you having a thing for ur captian? 

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After 29 fire seasons i have seen relationships with people in the same dept but at differrent stations and all in all they have not worked out, follow 1 simple rule and you will be ok DONT DIP YOUR PEN IN THE COMPANY INK.

Thanks for that wisdom I will pass it on
I understand and see where your coming from!
Not to be rude or disrespectful but what dose that have to do with my comment? I posted the commet a bout"dating in the work place" because a close friend of mine asked me what was my thought about it! I'm married with a beautiful baby boy and I enjoy my relationship with my wife very much:-)
Ok all thanks for all of your comments and thoughts on this topic matter! Just to shine some light on this dark matter! "a close friend of mine had asked me^^^^^ what do I think about dating in the work place" by us both being a rookie and this is our first year with this new department I explained to him that we need to stay focous at all times and leave the love and goo goo eyes in our heads! I understand everyones point of view that comment and I'm greatful for the wisdom some if not all has shared!
Lark is part of my last name and Kent is my son's name

Nothing good would come from this relationship. In my dept. it is agianst the rules, period. Both would get transferred and the officer would be demoted with days off. You are a supervisor and should act like one. There is an old saying,"don't eat where you sh--" 

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