I was recently placed in the office of Lieutenant at a small volunteer fire company located approximately twenty miles outside of Philadelphia, I am looking for training ideas, as well as training presentations for power point, these can be both class room oriented, as well as practical or a combination of both.  Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions at eziegelhofer@yahoo.com.  Thank you all and stay safe out there!

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go to google and search the topics you are interested in there are TONS of powerpoints out there on all kinds of fire related topics.


You tube has some awesome fire training videos too.

A nice quick drill that can be done in the engine/truck bay is a disentanglement drill:



FFs in full PPE and air pack

1 length of 8mm cord for <10 FFs training, 2-3 lengths for groups >10-15 (10 ft./ea.)

1 carabiner for each rope

Foam/Paper for inside of mask to reduce vision or tape, Press-n-Seal food wrap on the outside



Each FF takes a turn using various methods to free themselves from an entanglement. Skills such as backing up to disentangle, "swimming" arms back to locate entanglement, calling a mayday properly, removing the airpack partially to find entanglement and remove, using cutting tool to free hose, lines, pack, or themselves.


If this sounds interesting to you, let me know and I will post and send the remaining steps to you. The details could taek a while to type is all. Let me know.

Hi- my department have given me very positive feedback about have 3 stations a might for training- last week we did the general topic of grass fires- we had one station being operating our grass truck- simple first in report the attack a fire line- we used t.p as the line- it works well- next station we did atv grass attack- just run the atv put out the fire line- the third station was tanker/tender filling the grass rigs- set up our trash pump and filled- broke up into teams and cycled thru- everyone liked it very little standing around- plus as an added benefit we had a grass call the next day were all those stations were used

Eric, I have  over 800 ppts on various firefighting and Technical rescue team topics plus a bunch of fire videos. If you want all of them send me a 16 G flash drive along with a self addressed stamped envelope ( I don't pay return postage) to me at Battalion Chief Doug DuBree Rock Island Fire Dept. 1313 5 Ave Rock Island, IL 61201. Make sure it's a padded mailer envelope not a white business one as they rip open easily and the flash drive gets lost in the mail then.


PLUS if anyone else reads this justand wants the ppts and videos,  do what is stated above you don't need to ask before sending.

hello doug can you upload it on a file sharing site?? because im in a diffrent continent... so i can download it from the site youll upload it from... and i can also share them to my fellow instructor here in my country... thans and godbless

I'm not very knowledgeable about file sharing sites or how to upload all the ppts to them.

you can upload it here...just create an account here at  http://www.4shared.com/ if its 16gb you can use multiple account... after you upload it you can send me the share link that will be supplied by the web .... :) or you can send me the URL of the files... :) thanks in advance brother

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