I just wanted to share something I am proud of with those of you that I respect very much.  I started working for NYS as a Fire Safety Rep. this past year, and next week I start my Fire Protection Specialist Training with the gang from OFPC whom I will be working with in the field.  Together we will inspect homes for developmentaly disabled in the state for fire safety and codes compliance and I am realy proud.  For once I am extremely proud of what I do for a living and actually look forward to getting up in the morning for work again.


If there are any codes officials, fire marshalls or fire inspectors out there with any good advice I am always open and receptive to anything I can learn from, so give me a shout.  Wish me luck at training, its going to be a long few months!

Thanks and Stay Safe


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Good Luck!! Maybe I will see you at the Fire Academy somewhere along the line.
Thank you Tim. I start August 15 with FBAA/POFI (again), and than again the following week for the POD Burns. Maybe I will see you then.
STay Safe
Considering I actually authored Uniform Fire Code components, taught firefighters how to be fire inspectors nationally (including Hawaii) and developed guidelines and standards that have been used internationally now for over 30 years, I suppose just maybe, I might have a couple of pearls here and there and could be a good source of information... Just sayin'

Plus you my favorite Moose. You know that! Let me know if I can write papers for you, provide research data or just answer questions. This retirement stuff sucks...


Hint: All fire codes are aimed at preventing firefighters from having to use barricade tape... :D

I will be there several times the next couple of months instructing at the Recruit Firefighter Training Program. I'll be teaching standpipe ops on the 18th and 25th.
Sorry Moose, no tips...but, best of luck and congrats. If I may say anything...don't get lazy about enforcement. As you know..lives depend on it. Again, best of luck, I'm very glad for you.
Thanks Mike! You are one of the ones I mentioned about respecting very much and I would love to pick your brain for things when I need to. I will keep in touch cap!!
Thank you Mark. I noticed that already. Things seem to be "swept" under the rug in hopes its forgotten about or some magic cure will come around and fix it. Im all over stuff like that. I look at it as, if I wouldnt allow my family to stay there then it isnt good enough for me.
Thanks everyone!
I need to take Sprinkler Ops and plan reading, you involved in that at all?

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