I know this has been discussed before but i could not find an answer to my question so here its,
  last night at our monthly meeting it was brought up that we need to get passport tags for a few of our guys because they were new or theirs were lost, our county has an universal system of tags that are about 3" long and a 1/2 " wide with the persons name on it. guys keep losing them because they are attached under our helmets backs with velcro which seems to melt once in a fire, and then we cant reattach our tags when checking out so they get stuck in a pocket and lost, does anyone else on here have a similar system and if so what do you do to keep track of tags and attach them to not lose them

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Get the leather Passport front shields (instead of the plastic ones) and you won't have any more problems.

The original Passport front shields don't do well in any heat level above about 150 degrees F.
The name tags should never melt, because they should never go inside the fire structure. The primary tag carrier should go to the incident commander and the backup tag carrier should stay on your rig.

If you're talking about the plastic Passport helmet front shields melting, that's another story.
Why would you EVER take your name tags into an IDLH environment?

They should be on your primary and backup name tag carriers - at the Command Post and in your rig, respectively. If you take your name tags into the fire, it defeats the point of having them in the first place.
i regards to tags melting i agree with you the shouldn't come in contact with heat at any time my original post should have stated that the Velcro used to keep our tags with our helmets was melting we are a small volunteer department and a few guys still make runs to the scene so keep your tag on the rig doesn't always work with us but i think we are going to be changing systems county wide so it shouldn't be such an issue
Put a velcro name tag carrier on the pump panel of each engine and have the guys that respond POV go by the pump and tag in when they arrive.

That way, they'll be at an obvious location, accounted for, and in a place where it's easy to locate them and give them an assignment, all at the same time/place.
obviously i have more than two par tags , one on the rig when on duty and the rest with me just in case i loose the primary one , the primary par tag goes on the par board on whichever truck im on , if we got a worker or anything that requires IC, the par board goes to command and that solves it !
ours have metal clips that that we use to clip to the ring on the back of the helment.
Our are plastic tags with "Scissors" type clips that hook on our helmets D-Rings and hang on the Command board on D-Rings for each assignment (Interior, Vent, RIT, etc) so the Team leader's tag hangs on the Command board and the other team members' tags hang on the team Leader's Tag.

It's easy to see who hasn't turned their tag in @ Command because it dangles from their helmet if they still have it. As you can see if the plastic breaks, just drill a new hole and it's still serviceable.


The broken plastic tells me that these tags are vulnerable to breakage and to being lost.
Yes, but this tag is about 10 years old and I am the third holder of this particular tag.

You do have a good point and brass tags,or even good ole fashioned "dog tags" wouldn't be vulnerable to breakage.

This is not an endosment, but this tag would work nicely and is not vulnerable to breakage: http://www.cascadelaser.com/reshanalta.html

most depts around here use cow tags. generally they have either just a 2 digit personnel number, or a 4 digit dept/personnel number. a couple of depts use plastic tags that have name, number, and medical info on them. my dept uses a 4 digit number.

you get 2 tags. the colors vary among some depts, but in my mine we use a blue tag for an "on-scene" tag, and gets clipped to the first due engine. senior/interior firefighters get a red tag for the accountability officer, and under 18 firefighters have a yellow tag that is used when entering a building for overhaul or when an extra level of accountability is deemed necessary
Same here. Cheap way to go very simple too.

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