Let's shed some light on this ever-growing monster called "facebook".

I would love to see where this conversation would have went.

I promise not to delete or stop replies.

Anyone care to take this further?









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Tons of uses for facebook. Our fire department Union has a page that I help run. Also Im able to do tons of networking on facebook. I have zero problem saying I dont mind facebook at all. Not to mention, I ve talked to friends I havent seen in a very long time, and family that it is out of state, Im able to keep up with what is going on with them. I worked at Cedar Point for yrs as a ff/paramedic, I made many of friends over the years while working up there, now if I have a question about hose loads, CPAP, or whatever, I can contact people who work for ambulance companies, fire depts and see what they are doing.

Like I said, I have no problem with facebook, its another tool.
Thats my big thing, its called "Facebook" yet MOST of the people refuse to post pictures of themselves and they hide behind avatars or other pictures. It took a long time for my friends and family to bug me into getting a facebook page, but when I did I put my ugly mug there and use it to contact long lost firends and school mates. I ended up finding my entire graduating class, (only 26 of us, small central school) and keep in touch with them, we live all over the place and its hard to see them or call them so we just talk on facebook.

I too am sick of going on (every other week or so) and seeing a bunch of posts like someone else mentioned, I dont want to know EVERYTHING that happened in your day. It seems like people RUSH to the computer when something happens just to post it...??? "Just got home from work, chillin" or "OMG just got asked out by the perv at work" or "Just ran a mile now on to my homework" Why do people feel they need to let others know their daily schedule??

I am a member on FFN because I want to network with other respected firefighters and learn from each other. I belong to other sites as well but I have the same name in each one and have my picture posted and never try to be what I am not, unlike some on here, who post pictures of inanimate objects and claim to be Chiefs and 30 year members with tons of experience...I want to see a face, and read about you in your bio as far as what dept you are in and what training you have so when you talk on the forums I respect your answer, and do not doubt it.

Sorry, wandered off there. I do not need Facebook to live, I visit, see what friends are up to, where they work and try to contact them on the phone or by visiting, but most end up saying "I dont like to talk on the phone" so they prefer FB...I dont get it either. I want to "Talk" with friends when I can, its more personal.

Anyway, stay safe out there in FB world and may you never get one of its dreaded virus' or spammer attacks! LOL
In reality this site is no different than Facebook, or Myspace except it is a niche market that typically only firefighters and EMS users use. The same things happen on here as do the other social media sites.

The problem is not Social Media, its the uses of it. Informative social media like a local fire dept having a page, or twitter account to inform citizens in real time about things is great.

A firefighter putting a picture of a dead body on a site is bad and improper.

I recommend looking up the Fire Critics classes on Social Media www.firecritic.com or check out my blog for my rules to Social Media...http://averagejakeff.wordpress.com/2010/10/28/social-media-video-pi...
Andrew... Why on earth did you close discussions to your original post? You never know which direction posts are going to go but you have to be patient to allow others time to log on and get involved. Had you done so, you would have found me to be a advocate and supporter of Facebook.

In regard to using Facebook to replace the FFN, I think it's nonsense and an absolute waste of time for anyone involved. Why? You noted that on Facebook, if you did not upgrade, you lost all your data and it was a time consuming process to re-establish ties and contacts. I've got about three years invested here on the FFN, making friends, getting involved, etc. This to me is a classic, "if it ain't broken, don't fix it" scenario.

I use Facebook to stay in touch with my daughters and friends that live too far away to come over to my house to have dinner... But, through Facebook, I have found a lot of old friends and partners I have worked with in the past. I believe that there has been a significant change in who uses Facebook, and folks over 40 are taking over.

It's also a way to check up on your kids. This is the social medium that everyone knows about and either makes time to use it or not. It's all about what you want to do with it. The privacy filters work quite well and if you want to maintain just a small group of old friends, you can do this without a problem. Or, you can be a social butterfly and meet and greet new folks, kind of like the FFN.

Finally, you closing your post makes me think that you were a victim of cyber bullying and just could not take the negative comments about your idea. Give me a break, you are entitled to use Facebook, post here or do whatever you want to do. Just do it.

Come on folks, there's other things to worry about besides facebook, e.g. the world is going to end this Saturday, May 21 (or Dec. 21, depending upon which end-of-the-world theory you subscribe to.)
More and more departments are making members sign statements

Can you provide the names of some of these departments? Doesn't this kind of infringe on one's right to free speech? With many fire departments, including mine using social media sources such as Facebook and Twitter to communicate to the public, I would think it would be different to apply such a radical standard on employees or candidates. One HR friend said that they love the fact that something like Facebook exists. It gives them a method for making determinations when conducting background checks. You are what you post. You have complete control over how people see you and the opinions they form about you based on what you share and post on the internet.

If you have any reservations to what I have just shared...

Exhibit A:

All you have to do is search the topic in Google. You are what you post. This is a freedom we have being citizens of the United States of America. A lot of folks have died to protect our freedom, hearing that someone's right to free speech would be denied just doesn't sound right to me. Am I off base here? Do you agree that using Facebook is no different than any other means of communication? You have the right to make your own decision as to whether or not you want to use it, look at it or even think about it...

I joined Facebook to keep in touch with all my family across the Atlantic, what I actually get is an endless list of inane comments and requests to join things that I have no interest in.
The only reason I stay with it is that it is almost guaranteed that I can quickly get in contact any one of them if I need to. Not time-zone dependant like a phone call and cheaper than texting.
I love it when you say, just sayin'

Just sayin' :D. Aloha, CBz
Hysterical reply and spot on comparisons...
I didn't close it, the administrators did.

What I said it I had to close my last Facebook group, as Facebook was going to close it anyway since it was in the old format.

My group is still open. Go to the old thread - the link is still there.
Thanks for the response, Derek.

I love talking face-to-face with some people, but it's not always logical in certain circumstances. I have a large family and a boatload of friends, so I'd be spending all day having conversations. Rather than do that, especially since I am oh-so busy these days, it's nice to send someone a text and have a small conversation. It's like how some people enjoy getting cards randomly, rather in a digital and conversational manner.

When I ask how someone is, of course I want a response! I just don't really have converations on the phone anymore (there are a few exceptions). But if I am in the gym or something and am talking to someone, I'd rather text; This way I can use a machine, send a text while resting, do another set, text, ect. If I were to talk on the phone I'd never get a workout done. And this pertains to other things like being at work and so on.
I absolutely hate when people post pictures of anything else but themselves, or they don't have a picture at all. The technology is there that will automatically do it for you on certain phones!

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