Hi guys I am dealing with what I think is a very serious issue. We have a training officer and officers that do not understand NFPA OSHA or any other standards. We do not train they think that 3 trainings in the last 2 years are enough. We have certified instructors on the depatment that are not allowed to do anything or make sugestions.  A combined 30 years of experience is not considered to be enough. They do not like or want change. We have no records of training. They cannot be brought to understand what will happen if someone is hurt or killed. They are ok with sending guy's into a fire that have not been in an SCBA for years. We do not do fit test. We do not do physicals. We do not even inspect our packs.


Sorry for the vent but any suggestions would be appricieated.

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Get a petition composed and signed by co-workers and present it at the next town council/county meeting or any meeting where all FD heads are. I'd word it so that it looks like the Chief came up with the idea. ;) He won't know what to do when you stand up and say, "Safety and training is our Chiefs main concern but due to lack of funding and training material he can't set up training exercises, not even a fit test and he is constantly worried that his under-trained staff is in jeopardy, not to mention the victims of a fire." What's your Chief going to do, interrupt you by saying in public, "I do not care what the state or any book says we are going to do it the way we have always done it." ? ;) Yeah, make him sound like a Chief who really suffers from worry and doubt about his subordinates and the fire victims and then suggest he submit the training records and provide receipts on how much money has been spent on safety training to the governing council in your town. Explain the Chief is always trying for more training but it never comes through because of lack of funds or something and the receipts will prove that.

What's not going to be pretty is if y'all show up for a fire and one of you die or are maimed or the victims of a fire die and your FD training records are supbeonad. Not a jury in this land that wouldn't find your Chief at fault and sentence him to jail time, or fines, or both.

God be with you
Even with our small dept. we trained one a week in all fields When it comes to inspections we inspected the equipment on a weekly bases. We even did physical training every chance we got. Because we had 2 EMT's we kept an eye on B/P's and if anything was out of place they got sent to the doctor's If the doctor clears the FF they went back to work the wise they were not let back on the trucks.

Our Chief was very strict when it come to health.

Truely know where your coming from. I'm on a Rural Volunteer Fire Department in North Central Montana w/23 active members. Our department has had our share of difficulty from Officers to members, the only way to get things changed is to call em out on what is wrong w/the department by accountablility(GET FACTS TO BACK YOU UP) the info is there. I have been nominated several times for officers position but always decline as I feel I can keep department on thier toes by just being a active /aware Firefighter. Safety first and yours should be 1st on that list.

Your department should have a chain of command, your Chief has to answer to someone and if you would like I can send you a copy of our By-Laws, SOP's & S.O.G's and maybe you could get some starting ideas to incorporate into your department. If there is anything else I or someone on the department can do just yell, I'll get you as much info as possible.
Happpy to Help,
Karla Kennedy-Zarn


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