I believe if Vision 20/20 becomes reality, this is only part of what we can start seeing here in the states, and becoming a part of. Just think, nation wide Public Service Announcements such as this could really get the message across! Another topic, all though off base of Vision 20/20, could be how to properly let an emergency vehicle pass.

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Think the AdCouncil can learn quite a bit about effective PSAs from the BBC and the London Fire Brigade. I've noticed that most of the really effective ads tend to come from the UK, in particular some of the seat belt PSAs.

I agree, I've watched tons and tons of videos out of the UK and other western European countries, and they get the message across quite clearer than ours currently do, with no bull$#!T
I just watched the new seatbelt PSA with NFL quarterback Marc Bulger in it. A little corny, but not too bad.Seatbelt Pledge. I believe they should have thrown some scenes in of apparatus MVAs to really get the point across though.
As we say in the Army, "Hooah."

You're absolutely right, reality bites. Americans as a whole have forgotten that. Mostly because we have it a little "too good" and shield ourselves from reality whenever we can. We also tend to confuse Hollywood's constant barrage of graphic images for entertainment's sake with purpose-driven depictions of what really happens in an MVA, or to burn victims.

In my mind it all comes down to being "politically correct," which seems to be what America is all about these days. Nonsense!!! I think for Vision 20/20 to work it can not be done in this manner. It needs to hit a nerve and bring it home, so to speak. For it to work it needs to be a no bull, head-on approach.
An idea who's time has come. I think we as Americans are ready for this type od PSA. Let the people see what can happen instead of just telling them. Sometimes shock value is what it takes to get your point across. Stay safe people!

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