In the small town of Livermore Falls Maine, our association is in the process of building a monument to honor all emergency responders, past, present and future. It is going to be a granite stone about 4' H X 5' L. Across the top will be Fire, police and EMS symbols. Along the bottom will be scenes of all in action. The middle section is reserved for some type of words, poem, thoughts etc. This is the section that I need help with. If you know of any fitting words ( your own or someone elses ) please share them with me, so that I may choose something.


Thank you,


Jim Leclerc


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How about
Here's to all the Emergency Service providers who have fought the good fight. Their batlle is over may they rest in peace.

Please post which one you chOose I'm anxious to see other peoples responses... Thanks
Stay safe

I was gonna try and find a way to put " WE ARE ALL BROTHERS IN ARMS" but I dont think it will sound right
Unless that was in quotes like I did underneath
bUT I DEFINETLY LIKE THE FIRST PART you could always use the first part of 23 psalms
Firemen never die, they just burn forever in the hearts of the people whose lives they saved.
"All gave some, some gave all"
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
or a variation like, "No one can show greater compassion for their fellow man than those who laid down their lives in the service of others."
This is a monument in Detriot MI.

Honoring all the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice, while serving the citizens of Oregon. This is taken from the DPSST memorial in Salem Oregon. Its a memorial for all the state but could be adapted for what you need. but I do like the John 15:13.
The Fireman Poem
My father was a fireman.
He drove a big red truck
and when he'd go to work each day
he'd say "Mother wish me luck".

Then Dad would not come home again
'til some time the next day.
But the thing that bothered me the most
was the thing's some folks would say.

"A fireman's life is easy,
he eats and sleeps and plays,
and sometimes he won't fight a fire
for days and days and day's".

When I first heard these words
I was too young to understand
but I knew when people had trouble
Dad was there to lend a hand.

Then my father went to work one day
and he kissed us all goodbye
but little did we realize
that night we all would cry.

My father lost his life that night
when the floor gave way below,
I wondered why he'd risked his life
for someone he did not know.

But now I truly realize
the greatest gift a man can give
is to lay his life upon the line
so that someone else might live.

So as we go from day to day
and we pray to God above,
say a prayer for your local Firemen.
They may save the one's you love.

Author unknown

i love this one and i hope you enjoy it
Love that one... kinda chokes ya up
These are my favorite.
Thank you all for the ideas. I have decided that we will go with John 15:13. Greater love hath no man, than to lay down his life for another. I don't think that there is anything that can describe what we do any better than that,

Thank you again,

Jim Leclerc

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