Before buying my leather, I did some research on leather helmets, I discoverd that only Carins and Phenix make the only ALL leather helmets, everyone else makes a leather composit, basicly just streaching a thin piece of leather over a composit helmet. I also discoverd that Phenix gives the best warenty, better than Carins. Also Phenix gives you more options for designing you helmet as well, such as different style of bends for the brim, and other cosmetic options, not to mention that the phenix is lighter weight and costs less, they also are made to order. meaning your helmet is made specificly for you, that way its ensured to have all the resent NFPA and OSHA updates.
Personally I like the phenix leather. The combination department I am on issues the phenix to all members after their probationary period is up. A couple of the guys have bought New Yorkers, but it was their personal choice.