First off I know this isnt in the correct section of the forum per se. But i would just appreciate some feedback.


Here is the case for me,

        The Dept. that i am trying to get into right now is a vol. dept. (no names being said) in New York State.  The Eligibility states: "The applicant must be in good academic standing at his/her school AT THE TIME of application and during period of membership as an apprentice firefighter. He/she must be passing all subjects while in the Apprentice Program. A failing grade (F) in any one subject is not acceptable and may resilt in suspension from the program."  That is the only thing stating anything about school.


        My question is, Should my application be on hold (like it is now) becasue im in a GED program THROUGH the school and is IN the high school. And they were saying once i get my diploma, i would not be able to continue untill i am 18. That is like saying if you graduated High School at 17 they would boot you also.  At this time I am currently fighting this becasue it does not seem right becasue it is the same as a HS diploma. Just looking for some feedback to what people think about this. 



                                                                                                              Benjamin A. Downs


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I do not know WHY the other 16 year old is in the junior program and you have not yet been invited. I would tread lightly with the department. As Crabbe said at the beginning, the department is under no obligation to you.... or any other minor...

Maybe the department feels like it was a mistake to take on that 16 year old and they do not want to take on another.

Maybe the department feels like the liability of one 16 year old is all that they can handle?

Maybe the department is considering stopping the Junior program and not expanding it?

Maybe the department feels like since you are not in a traditional school setting then you don't know how to follow directions (teachers) and get along with others (all day every day with a full classload of kids). And lack committment to a big process?

Maybe they would not permit a high school graduate at 17 also start on the department until age 18?

Pushing them will make them NOT want you on their department and will make them NOT trust your ability to follow their rules, even when you do not like them.

Please consider THEIR viewpoint - they must have some issues which you are not fully evaluating in your understanding of their perspective.

BUT you WANT to be patient and have them INVITE you into the department, not push your way in. If you push your way in, the firefighters will shun you and will not welcome you into the brotherhood with open arms. They will view you as a bully who is overly aggressive to get your personal needs met without regard for the entire team.

And remember most volunteer departments are hired by vote of the majority or even an anonymous vote of membership. So you have to win over everyone...

Just my humble opinion.
Yes i actually went on the board and everyone voted yes then the board that controls the whole decision says it doesn't state anything about the ged so i couldn't be in, so they are revising them. As for them doing away with it, no they are not they have had a few 16 and 17 years olds that came in and were very good, just couldnt stay becasue of moving, military, ect. but no its not that its that they are being tedius about the bylaws becasue it doesnt say GED, or GRADUATE, only about IN SCHOOL
Doogie Houser - NO NO NO - not on my fire ground !!!

And I have a GED when I joined at 18 - but I am old-ish now... and have more education now ;-)

RALPH - did he just call us OLD ... since he watches re-runs of Emergency instead of original runs??? WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! He called me OLD! WAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!
SO THEY are revising the bylaws FOR YOU then are LETTING YOU IN - so what is your issue then?
In New York State you have to be age 18 to attend Firefighter I training...Many Departments will not accept any members younger than 18...(Ours included) it is more about liability than anything else. Sir, after reading your post I would not push the education issue.......Good luck........Paul
I have another tid-bit for you.....You NEVER air your Departments dirty laundry in a public will come back and bite you squarely in the ass every time....There are more than one or two members from your area that post here on a regular aren't even in the Department yet and you are (excuse the term) bitching about policies already....NOT a good way to start....
Ralph, I feel your pain. I hate it when I call one of our daughter's boyfriend 'Eddie Haskill' nice and no one gets it.
Heather my is much better to be over the hill than to be under it..... 8)
Ben...the issue is that you are still only 17.....17 is considered a minor (no not miner)
ROTFLMAO... over not under... check...

I am nowhere near the hill - YET - but the kid tried to point out the hill to me and tell me I will be there soon... how rude...
Like a fine wine ....only gets better with age......... 8)
Minor doesnt matter becasue its the JRS, and you can join at 16

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