Simple question. How does everyone wear (or not wear) their chin strap on their helmet?

For example, I keep mine buckled under my chin, but very loose. I try to leave a tab sticking out so I can tighten it with a gloved hand.

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I keep mine like yours loose under my chin so I can pull it tight when needed.
Around the back of the helmet , then pulled tight around the back of myhead if I need it. But I agree with Adam it should be ready when ya need it. " Don't do as I do, do it the right way"
i wear mine tight and secure enough that it is comfortable but also serves its purpose.seriously how long does it take to loosen it up if you need to mask up? id rather be safe and take the extra 15 seconds to wear my equipment right than to get hurt and compile the problems on scene
My strap is continuously kept at a length that is snug when I have my mask on. I just unlatch the buckle when I need to put my helmet on with the mask on. Otherwise it is just loose enough without the mask to not be a problem at MVCs and still keep the helmet on my head.

Damn it Ben, do we have to agree so often? If a helnet isn't fastened correctly at all times, you're incorrectly dressed.

Bend forward at an MVA and your helmet falls on an injured person? Bend over when picking something up and your helmet falls on the thing you're trying to pick up? Look up to the top of the building and your helmet falls off backwards? I don't like any of those options.

Our training and assessment for donning BA includes loosening the chin strap. The amount of time it takes is negligable.

A helmet is not a fashion accessory. Wear it correctly.
If it isn't needed, then why is the helmet on your head?
I keep mine loosely under my chin with just enough slack that it will fit under the mask. I like having it there just in case. Then, like Adam, I can grab it with a gloved hand after masking up.
Great to see all those who are wearing thier chin straps, we need to remind our brothers and sisters that the strap is not to hold wood chocks or other items..... They are meant to be worn under our chins on ALL CALLS. Hence the name. Stay safe all.
Mines adjusted for BA use. And that's how I wear it under the chin when not in BA.
Have mine adjusted so it's just snug,not tight.I keep the one on my brush helmet a little tighter.Hate losing the d#@% thing when you're busy building fireline.
If my helmet is on my head it is always tight enough to hold it to my head. I dont want to be the one having to pick it up after it falls off due to not doning PPE properly. Not to mention how it looks for a seasoned or veteran when there helmet falls off infront of a rookie. Great way to set an example.
9 times out of 10 I am runnen the Tenders so have my helmet on and off getting in and out of the rigs. Most of the time my helmet straps just hang loose or undone. When I am on a fire and worken hose, overhaul, extrications, and basicaly if it requires my helmet on my head its straped and worn properly. I cant say I havent forgot and left it undone, for I have many times. For as said its on your helmet for a reason so use it.

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