My department has just come to realization that Minitor V's....well, suck! We are looking into Swissphone Pagers. Do any of you have these and if so what are your thoughts on them and are they complex to use. What are the pros and cons of them?


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Ok, I said I would try a swissphone many commands to do a simple thing like turn the volume down if your at a quiet place. Thats for starters, then if you want to change to listen to channel 2 you have to go back thru commands again. I tried it for 2 days and sent it back. Sticking with "V's" because they are simple.

As for radios on my side, I only what it there when I need it, not on my side all day while I am working.... to big. But if you can talk members into it go for it, but you wouldn't get me there...I say guess I am not on call during the working hours.

PS Also you have to pick VHF, UHF or the god awful 800 mhz, none do it all. We are installing our own VHF repeater system to take care of our DPW and fire ground freq. We own that freq. and are never giving it up, and I would suggest none of you give up a freq. that you already own.

Be Safe.

My Vol dept. has been purchasing motorola 2500 and 2500I radios, every member has a radio which has a page channel on it. Let think when they key the radio there acct number comes up on everyones screen, everone can say their in service, everyone has a radio for on scene acct., mayday, or what ever they need on scene. RAIDO DISCIPLINE is a must . Everone having a radio works great for my department, most other departments in my county are issuing out raidos to their members know. Cost on contract 2500 -$1,500.00, 2500I-$ 2,200.00 is it worth it yes apply for grants, I've got 28 raidos for free how can you beat it.
Oh ya, we working on all members having radios also, sure helps with planing who is getting what piece of equipment from what station. I am all about communications. Were buying VHF Kenwoods for around $500.00 per unit.

Be Safe
Our dept used to use all Minitor pagers the cost is getting to high so we bought everyone a radio that was cheaper then a pager I think they are motorola cp200xls radios. They work great we have had 40 of them for 6 months now and no problems yet. As far as everyone on the fireground having a radio and depts worryed about to much radio traffic just have the radios programed to rx only thats what our dept talked about doing. If we have problems cheif takes the radio and gives you one you cant talk on we have had no problems with to much radio traffic everyone knows the rules.
We just switched a bunch of pagers to swissphone and the guys who use them like them except the buttons are easily hit and you are constantly listening to the last pages.That is my only complant about them but I like that you don't have to charge them every night they will go for about 4 or 5 days pending the amount of pages your department gets and whether or not you run it on the snoop channel.

Check these guys out. Cheaper then Motorola minitor V pagers. I played with these at the Chicago FRI conference I was impressed. These are actually made and designed by the original engineers who designed the Motorola Minitor II.
The Paidmen have Minitor V's, the rest us volunteers, are stuck with the II's, and IV's. They all work just fine...all that counts is, being able to hear it in the middle of the night, and I can hear my minitor IV from the living room, and I have 3 bedroom house. I've heard that Swissphone Pagers, are louder, like the Motorola Keynote.

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