What's your favorite firehouse recipe?  If you have one, would you like to share it with other firefighters?  I'll post my favorite one up first and others can add theirs too.  I also have a recipe sharing website www.companychow.com  It is free to visit, post on, use, rate....trust me...it's all around free!  No strings attached, just a fun place for firefighters to share recipes.  We already have over 100 recipes on the site from California to New York.  When I'm stuck with what to make at the station I try one out from the site.  I haven't been disappointed yet!  If you post a recipe here, I'll put it up on the site.  You can also post it yourself on the site.  Ok, here's my favorite recipe...try it out...guys love it down at the firehouse.



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Mac and Cheese
by Matt Jackson
(West Covina Fire Department)



5 cups cooked Macaroni

5tbsp butter

2 eggs

½ tsp salt

½ tsp pepper

3 cups milk (whole)

2 cups shredded mozzarella

4 cups shredded Sharp Cheddar

1 cup shredded Parmesan

Cook the macaroni until done (refer to the package instructions). I like to use the large elbow style. Do not over cook or the macaroni will fall apart. Drain the macaroni in a strainer.

Place macaroni, butter, salt, pepper, milk, mozzarella and 3 cups of the cheddar in a mixing bowl. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl and then add to the mixing bowl that is already filled with the other ingredients. Thoroughly mix all of the ingredients together and then poor into a medium sized casserole dish.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Once oven is heated, cover the casserole dish with aluminum foil and place in the oven. Let bake for 45 minutes.

Remove from oven. Take foil off of casserole dish. Add the remaining cup of cheddar cheese and cup of parmesan. Make sure you sprinkle both evenly across the top. Increase the heat of the oven to 375. Return the casserole to the oven uncovered. Let bake for approximately 15 more minutes or until the cheese develops a slight brown, crispy appearance. Remove from the oven, let cool for approximately 5 minutes and enjoy
Hi Matt,

Take NY Strips or Flank Steak and put them in a bus tub or deep tub. For every 4 steaks add one gallon of Burgendy Wine. Cut White onions into quarters and add them to the tub. Dice garlic (about 4cups for 4 steaks).

Soak it for about 24hrs and then bbq it on a low heat. Serve with Garlic Mashpots or Reds. Good grub. I am the company cook...


The recipe looks great and I'm gonna try it out. Legend has it out here in LA that you guys have a guys have a cook for each company and that is his sole job. Is this true??? I've heard you guys are so busy that the company cook stays behind when alarms come in so that dinner hits the table on time. We work a 48/96 schedule and doing a cooking rotation. I can't tell you how many times a call comes in and all the burners have to be turned off and the cooking has to be resumed when we return. My turn in the rotation is coming up on our next tour. I'm gonna give your recipe a shot and see how the boys like it down at the firehouse. Thanks again. Do you mind if I post it up on my recipe sharing site? Feel free to check the site out www.companychow.com. I'm not much of a web designer but do like to cook and most of all EAT! I thought it would be fun to start a web site where us firefighters can trade recipes and rate each others recipes. The sites been up for 2 months now and I've had a lot of submissions so far. I'd love to add yours. I'm trying to get guys to participate by offering up a random drawing each month for a $100 gift card to Home depot. I'll throw your name in the hat for this months drawing if you'd like. It's just a random drawing for each recipe submitted...so if you have more...you get more entries.

Thanks again,

Ken Corrigan from the Bronx NY is this months www.companychow.com random winner. Thanks for your entry and please enter again for a chance at this month's random drawing!!!

Thanks Chief, I'm gonna give this a try down at the firehouse.

Corn Dog Casserole




2C thinly sliced celery

1 1/2C slice green onions

2T butter

1 1/2 lbs. hot dogs

2 Eggs

1 1/2C milk

2t ground sage

1/4t ground black pepper

2 8.5 ounce packages dry corn bread mix

2C shredded Chedder cheese, devided




In a medium skillet, saute celery and green onions in butter for 5min.  Place saute mixture in a large bowl; set aside.

Slice hot dogs lengthwise into quarters, then cut into thirds.  In same skillet, saute hot dogs for 5min. or until lightly browned.  Add celery/onion mixture and mix all together.  Set aside 1C of mixture.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F

In a large bowl combine the eggs, milk, sage, and pepper.  Add all but reserved 1C hot dog mixture.  Stir in corn bread mix and 1 1/2C shredded cheese.  Mix all together and spread mixture into a shallow 3 quart baking dish.  Top with reserved 1C hot dog misture and remaining 1/2C shredded cheese.

Bake uncovered in preheated oven for 30min. or until golden brown.



Every one loves this recipe and it dissapears very fast.


Ok Alex...this looks awesome!!!  I haven't seen anything like this.  I'm giving it a try when i go back to work on Thurs...thanks for the suggestion!

Learned this at a restaurant i worked at.

Grilled pork chops with mushroom taragon sauce.


Serves 4


4 Thick cut pork chops


5 cups sliced mushrooms


1 tablespoon fresh taragon. chopped fine


3 cups heavy cream




Salt and Pepper Pork Chops prior to grilling or baking.


As Chops are cooking, begin making sauce.


Saute Mushrooms in a large skillet, until they soften. add pinch of salt and pepper.

After mushrooms are softened, add cream and taragon. bring sauce to boil and reduce until a thick consistency and ladel over chops.

Hey Ian...Thanks for the recipe.  I've been looking for a good pork chop recipe.  I'm gonna try it out.

gotta try this!

You have any specialties from the kitchen Karr?

appitizers are a must,

glazed beacon wraped mushrooms...

you favorite glaze( teriyaki/bbq/whatever)

wrap thick beacon around mushrooms

cover with sauce

grill or bake

works with shrimp too, but my fave to make  is gumbo

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