Ok we have all heard them

 "Firefighters are Whores and Drunks ......"

I have personally be called things I wish not to repeat based on my job, how did these rumors start ? I am aware that the Fire Service is very family orientated. For fun what is the stereotype you hate the most  ?

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Paul, Good Call !!! Live to fight another day !!!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned ;-)
Dam I messed around on a thread about Firefighters are Whores and Drunks and got a bad case of Crabbz do they make a spray or ointment for it? LOL
please refer to one of the last pages of the recent discussion "weirdest thing ... on scene" by which Jack explains the use of potatoes for medical / genital treatment ~~~ it is a very funny read ~~~ I even added a poem I wrote just for the occasion.

Early on in that same discussion Ralph describes gerbil activity too, which you may found useful.

If that does not work - the pressure of an 1 1/2" line might remove those little critters ??? (ouch, that was painful just to say, let alone imagine) [i just imagined your boy parts getting ripped off, sorry - that is an accidental side-effect]

Hang in there... I know THEY will...

And Good Luck and God Speed...
may be dumb but I'm not stupid........LOL
the facts are the facts ;-)

the truth always comes out
Can't believe I missed the "Spoken like a true glorified janitor" comment from John Dobson. Absolutely hysterical! (In a Can-you-top-this-moronic-statement sort of way). It looks like John Crabbe handled things nicely, so I'll just sit back a while. (Tomorrow is payday. Nice.)
Heather ... I was at the pub when I read about the Haitian potato lady. I practically spit my ale all over some responders and medicos at our table. They wanted to know why I was almost in hysterics I was laughing so hard; I let them read the post. The medicos were almost on the floor they were laughing so hard; responders were a tad bit green around the gills!! It was a very interesting response!! Your poem was enjoyed by all!!

Hmmm, 1-1/2" line?? Interesting prospects for lavage there!! LOL!!
Sometimes ya just have to go that extra mile ...

First poem ever !!! Glad I could please...

My girly parts still are screaming OUCH, just thinking about roots and leaves...
The women at the table (including me!) squeezed our thighs together with this one ... sort of like the guys do when another guy gets kicked in the privates! I think we were all just too grossed out by the thought! And, we ALL wanted to know how the heck she missed the odor?!?!?! Doesn't say a whole lot about her personal hygiene regiment!! LOL!
Thanks for doing what you do ... our farmers are the heart of this Country!
Thanks, But I was just being sarcastic its a job. I do love to work the land though and it pays the bills. I don't really think one job is better than others.
I think about all the of time, what it takes to make are world as easy as it is. It is a wonderful thing to think about of how society works. There are so many people that play a small part in are lives, Its hard to fathom.
if it is alive - with roots and leaves - does it have NO odor?

much like when a potato is under dirt?

the standard smell would be from a rotty potato ??? but rotted ones don't grow new roots and leaves... thus my furtile comment ???

who knows, but bizarre anyway you sugar coat it

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