I am just letting all of you know that on the 11th of next month is coming up soon meaning 9/11/01. I will never forget that day and my prayers goes out to those who died on that horific day. Also Firefighter angels watches over them every day and night. I again pray for our troops who are fighting over there every day.

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"Ben, don't put your own spin on my words."

That's rich, since you've been doing nothing but putting your own spin on my words since we started debating the topic.
Jack, that was a bit pompous and overbearing, don't you think?
Riiiiiiiiiight. You spend the last four days attacking Sen. McCain and now suddenly he's your patriotic hero, Jackie-boy.

What is says about McCain is that he was making a political speech, which are typically filled with hyperbole, which leads to an obvious conclusion.
So now we're supposed to give up our 1st Amendment rights because someone else listens to American music???

When you're talking about government corruption, you don't need to go al the way to the middle east for an example. Aren't there a few corruption investigations going on in a little town on the Potomac River right now?

Some display of "American Ideals" there...
Well Gregory Borg, I really don't know Mr. McCain's number so I'm just asking you if you have the number of Mr. McCain.
Well Gregory Borg, I really don't know Mr. McCain's number so I'm just asking you if you have the number of Mr. McCain.

He's not here, but if you contact them, they will probably be able to help you out in trying to find him:

Or give them a call: Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Melissa Eastwood,

Same here and I feel the same way.
David Francis,

Same here and some or most people have forgotten about that day and my wife and I have never forgotten that day. I will have my lights on and wear a black piece of tape on my shirt. They really should put a memorial on that site.
Chief Ron King, Same here and good comment.
Ted Hardy,

We don't have a motorcycle and I don't really know how to go over there to NYC, but I will do my part by putting my car lights on. I thank you for your contact info though.
James Roark,

I like what you did for us in the Military and I respect that.

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