this is a discussion about if you think rather 2 departments should be called for an auto alarm.

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Yes that is true.
Depending on the size of the structure, whats stored and what goes on in it. Yes. I'd have 2 depts going. Not too long ago a dept near me got a call for an AFA at a house...they arrived, fully involved. Better safe than sorry.
In my area they don't use this but I wish they would because during the day my dept is short on man power. I say auto alarms are nice. Once and a while my dept gets toned on automatic for a rit team.
i think their should always be two departments called out its considerd a working fire untill we know that its not.
Yeah i Dont agree with that. because if it was a wokin fire there would me calls to the 911 center other then the alarm company.
well In west virgina and the county i am from we have house fire the call out three fire depts the do that bc sometimes theres man power issues plus to me its good thing bc when you arrive on scene you can have other 2 deparments cancell or come on if you needed the extra help.
we are, well,

one engine one truck
Most of your call are hold to are dept and if the 1st engine get on sence and give a size up and find it a false alarm and then we can hold the first company and rest can hold at station to futher notice and after we don't needed we will cancel them.
In our area we do have two spots that both departments would have auto alarms. We are the same distance apart so we both roll. If we are needed we have everything to complete the job.

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