My first thought was 'hmm, they don't want people to use this exit for normal traffic' followed by and what dimensions go with the words 'jump' and 'close'? Then I'd look out the window to see what they meant.
What I mean to say you are reading this sign what do you suppose could be going on behind you that is so bad you'd have to take this exit to excape?
(I'm curious to know where the picture was taken.)
My first question is is this a real sign that is placed in an area that the public uses or in your neighbors cousins best friends brother in laws game room type thing. my second question is am on the 4th floors or 8 inches off the ground on the 1st floor.
If question one is answered YES and question 2 is answered 4th floor I would be very upset that I never did get the hang of yoga to be flexible enough to kiss my own ass good bye