Help the Hagerstown Fire Fighters, have some fun, and maybe even win $100,000.


The men and women of the Professional Firefighters of Hagerstown, Maryland are once again holding our Bonanza Extravaganza. What is the Bonanza Extravaganza? Check this out and I promise you will be AMAZED!

The Bonanza Extravaganza is a two day fun-fest where we give away over $825,000 in cash and prizes! Do we have your attention now? Keep on reading! The Fifth annual Bonanza Extravaganza is going to be held on May 7th and 8th, 2010. On Friday we have live music, gaming, vendors, and more. The evening ends with 20 patrons getting $1,000 each just for coming through the gate and being present for the Big Money Drawing!

On Saturday the fun starts all over at 10 am when gaming tables open back up and we get ready for the big event. At noon sharp we give away the first of SEVEN Chevrolet vehicles by calling the number for the 2010 Chevrolet Camaro. Every five minutes after that we give away cash and vehicles including the rest of the SEVEN Chevrolet vehicles (including a 2010 Corvette), SEVEN new Harley Davidsons, campers, four wheelers, and a jet ski. The cash prizes include 57 - $1,000 winners, 11 - $2,000 winners, 4 - $2,500 winners, 5 - $5,000 winners, 3 - $10,000 winners, one $15,000 winner and the grand prize of $100,000! If you are counting, we have increased our prize list to 100 this year!

While incredible, the prizes are not the only attraction of the Bonanza Extravaganza. We have live music all Friday evening and all day Saturday starting at noon and going until the $100,000 Grand Prize is announced. After that we kick off a dance party with our DJ. We have bottomless beer mugs which, for just $10, patrons can refill for free for the entire event. There are gaming tables where patrons can win even more money. On Saturday there is a free catered meal from noon until 7pm for anyone present at no additional charge.

Also on Friday, our VIP Tent has returned sponsored by Nick’s Airport Inn. Limited to 500 guests, you will have all you can eat Hand Carved Prime Rib of Beef with Au Jus, Nick’s Famous Crab Imperial, Baked Homemade Lasagna, Baked Virginia Ham and Grilled Chicken on Rice Pilaf as well as many of their fine side dishes. There are gaming tables with no wait, free wine and beer, music provided by Dime Store Profit, and a unique experience limited to just these VIP guests.

The Patrons

We have 15,000 patrons on the grounds of the Hagerstown Speedway over both days. Massive tents are set up around the grounds, one of which is as large as a football field. There are tables and chairs under the tents where patrons make themselves comfortable for the music and the drawing. They can watch it on a massive 30’ high television where we do live interviews with the winners and play commercials during the few minutes between drawing the numbers for the next prize. Our Foundation The 79 members of the Professional Firefighters of Hagerstown formed a non-profit philanthropic Foundation four years ago to raise money to be used for health and welfare improvements for residents of the Greater Hagerstown area. In the first four years of operation, the Foundation has given approximately $450,000 to local non-profits including a $40,000 donation to Children’s Village that funded every second grader in Washington County to be able to attend a two day fire and police safety educational program as well as the purchase of a $60,000 van used by a non-profit organization to transport patients to and from Cancer treatments in the area. We hope this answers your questions and gets you interested further in the event and our Foundation. You can buy tickets by emailing or calling me @ 240-882-0996 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              240-882-0996      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, going on-line to, or by calling 301-991-0590 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              301-991-0590      end_of_the_skype_highlighting. See you then!!!!

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I'm sure it's a good cause, not sure where it stands in terms of Terms Of Service but not my call to make.

Not to be dickish but just pointing out, you might want to change your screen name, AssChief7, seems to lack a certain propriety and professionalism you may be wanting to get across. I'm just sayin'...
I've had that name for quite a few years. I started it because of a mistake on galls when I ordered a name tag. They sent me one saying Ass Chief, and it just kinda stuck.

Forums are for discussion topics. Please post events as events. Hope everyone can understand if we let fundraisers be forum topics, we'd end up flooded with them.



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