I'm not sure how many juniors/explorers we have on FFN.  It seems that we only notice the obnoxious ones and they tend to portray all Jr's in a bad light.


So, this is a chance for you to step up and be noticed.  Tell us a little about yourself and why you want to become a firefighter.  There is no right or wrong answer and while I assume that everyone will give the standard "I want to help my community" answer, I urge you to go deeper than that. 


Try to analyze why you REALLY want to become a firefighter, let us know your thoughts, emotions, reasonings, agenda's and whatnot.  Tell us what being an Explorer means to you, what you do as an explorer, what you hope to learn, and where you see yourself in 5yrs and 10 yrs.


What is the most rewarding part of being a jr/explorer?  What has been the most stressful or the hardest to deal with or overcome?  Is it what you expected when you first started?


And lastly, what do you expect, want, need or desire from us (the senior members of FFN)?  There is a heckuva lot of knowledge and experience represented here and most of us are willing and eager to help teach and mentor others.  But, and here is the big BUT, in order for us to be willing and able to help there needs to be a certain commitment on the part of the junior/explorer.


* you must show respect

* you must thank those that help you

* you must THINK about your question first (your department should be your first source of information)

* you must write in PROPER ENGLISH.  Your post and writing style will reflect your education, intelligence and professionalism and will help garner more help and support.

* you must NOT ARGUE.  stating a disagreement is ok, but if you disagree you must provide your reasonings behind the disagreement and/or offer alternatives or suggestions

* you must be willing to PARTICIPATE - if all we see are posts about asking for pagers or what color is such and such than you will either be ignored, ridiculed or snapped at.


So, how many of you Explorers and Juniors are willing to take up the challenge and participate?

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It is a crime to impersonate a EMS official and since you are 15 and the state of conneticut goes off the NREMT I highly doubt that since you have to be 18 to be nationally registered.

sorry buddy I didnt want to call you out but I would hate to see your career end before it begins
Actually the age for EMR or MRT as it used to be called is 14. I am not trying to do anything illegal. Had an explorer that did that and he is no longer with the company. If you would like look me up on the state of CT DPH website. https://www.elicense.ct.gov/LicenseLookupDownload.aspx
I stand corrected lol I was thinking EMT. I apoligize I have my boot in my mouth here. I am sorry for miss readin that and calling you out on it.

OK im waitin on the told you so dance let me have it
People make mistakes. Different states have different regs. I did find out that to be a national reg first responder you do not need to be 18. In CT EMR is 14, EMT is 16, AEMT and Paramedic is over 18 possibly 21. No need for an I told you so.
Hello my name is alex i am currently 16 almost 17 years old,I have been in the fire service for litle over 2 years now. My first true desire for firefighting came when i was around 2 or 3 years old when my uncle was captain of the local volunteer fire department..and my mother was captain of the local rescue squad.most of my life as a kid was spent either at the firehouse or the rescue building.My first true experience in wanting to become a firefighter came when i was 14 on the way home when i witnessed a car accident and saw how fire/rescue worked the scene.I realized then that firefighting is what i want to spend my life doing. I want to be a firefighter to help people and to meet different people everyday and help them out the best i can. I love being in the Fire Service i couldnt imagine being in anything else

Alex Alves
Antioch VFD
I`m Travis I used to be one of those really annoying ones on here but I stopped.Well I guess it kinda started off as one of those like little kid things when I was a baby that I wanted to be a firefighter.Then in 99 I saw my first structure fire and car accident.The fire was across the road from my house and I saw it and was like that`s the coolest thing I`v seen.Then the accident we were on are way back from seeing my dad in the hospital because he just had open heart surgery.The guy ran a red light went through his front windshield and two other cars in front of him. That was the worst thing I ever seen the guys brains and guts were all over the road so sadly the guy died.So ever since then I said I wanted to be a firefighter and then I also car a car fire to like in 5th grade.I also wanted to be a firefighter because my dad,few uncles,great uncle that actually help start the fire dept. that I`m in,and both of grandfathers.And I also like to help people and kids in school give me crap about that they ask me if I`m the fire dog.I just tell them they don`t know half of the stuff that goes around out there being a firefighter and its not a joke.I really haven`t been on a call but the accident I seen really bothered me even though I was like 5 years old.I see my self in about 5 years being in college and in a bunk-in program some place and then about 10 years being a paid firefighter.So I don`t know if this sums it up for you and there is a lot of other reasons why I want to be a firefighter.
I've been fallowing this post, which I think is a great post by the way, and it's great to see jr's telling their stories.
I feel the need to comment on this reply, though it may not be a good comment, it may help in the long run.
Travis, You have come a long way in a short time since you've been commenting and posting. Your typing and punctuation is a lot better as well as your spelling. Congrats to you. You've obviousely been thinking and learning. I would just like to give you a little advice to maybe save you some trouble in the future. Here it is: When telling stories about incidents you have witnessed, it would be wise to leave out such descriptions "as the guys brains and guts were all over the road". It's not cool. Not in a public forum. Just be a little less descriptive next time. Just leave it as something like you witnessed a bad mva or something to that effect. We don't need details.
Other than that, keep doing what you're doing.
Ya I know what you mean I could of also said I saw things that other people shouldn`t be seeing deffenitly a five year old.But I`m not going to try and be annoying on here like I was before and dumb posts.
it's all good.. live and learn, right.
Well let me start off by saying my name is joey schaeffer, i was diagnosed with diabetes about 5 years ago and i am currently not a explorer or junior because in my town there are only a select group that they allow to become them and of course im not one of them, so the reason why im wanting to become a fire fighter is mainly respect in this world and to help out my community i wanna make my family proud and shpw them that im going to do something with my life instead of doing something that i really dont wanna do with my life. so say what you want to say thats my story and i hope you all have some respect for me trying to become one of my heros of everyday life.
wow diabetes well I aswell have to pay attention to that not diagnosed but still have to pay attention to it. I have asthma aswell so you can get around it just work hard and pay attention.

First off, good luck in your endeavor, it is entirely possible for some one with diabetes to become a FF. The struggle will be to keep a good balance between sugar and insulin, especially when the physical aspects of the job come into play. As for the "respect" portion of your post, just remember respect is earned and just being a FF does not garner respect.

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