How often do you atend training

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We train once a week, sometimes twice. Plus we also have county training where FF from many dept. come to train. Those are usually an all day event. We mix it up from fire to medical. Take every training oppotunity that you can.
How about often do you train Louis?
We have about 50 "active" FF in our dept. But, we have the regulars that actually show up for training, but still, it depends on what the training is. I like the idea of not posting what is to be trained. Our numbers range from 8-25 showing up. Went to a couny training recently and only myself and our training officer showed up. sad.
I'm assuming that you have the same problem? Seems to be an ongoing issue on the volly side.
We have a regular training night the third Thursday of each month. Volunteers are required to attend at least 50 percent of the scheduled training sessions. Virginia also offers training classes thru the Department of Fire Programs. These are free except for books or manuals. There aren't as many offered since the budget crisis, but there are some out there if you want to attend. We have also had non-funded firefighter I and II classes in house.
Training is every Tues.night for us! We mix it up between fire and medical first responding training. We also have training with our mutual aid departments, a few times out of the year. Members are required to attend training and to do make up training if they miss it !

Members can also receive credit for training if the come by and, watch training videos, study out of the library, computer fire based training and, one on one if they request it.
We train on the 1st and 3rd Tue of every month, sometimes 3 times in certain months. We also train in joint training with our neighboring mutual aid Dept's, and our area training assosiation. I myself here lattly since loosing my local job the first of the year have had to resort to driveing truck 48 states, that of course makes it hard to make drills as well as many fires or ems calls. I have however in my travels, helped on many accidents, and am thankfull for my training and the abbillity to still help when the opportunity arrises, both on the road and at home.
firefighters train every monday and junior firefighter train the 2nd and 4th thursday of every month and add a few as needed. I try to make as many as i physically can and as far as i know ive only missed two or three meetings.
That's awesome. Wish we could swing that. But unfortunately the only shift we have is when the tones go off.
Is there one thing in particular that you and your crew like to train more often than others?
Every Tuesday night, 7-10 with the city and every Thursday, 7-10 with the county. And if we're lucky, they will hold an additional class or lecture at the county training facility each week. This past week it was Bomb Threat Awareness with the regional GBI Incident Coordinator as Guest Lecturer.
this has to be a paid department do you have any volenteers and do they show upeach training night
Every Monday night we are at the fire house conducting truck inspections, followed by business meeting (first Mon. of the month) or drill on the other Mondays. We don't drill on Memorial or Labor day but a small crew is usually present even on those nights to check the equipment. We also have several live fire training evolutions a year, usually on Saturdays.
Volunteers every thursday night, and like so many departments certains ones always show up, and other's it depends on what the training is. The volunteer training is usally what the duty crew does on our monthly training days, just spread out some.

Duty Crew, mandatory 2 hours of fireground training every shift, and once a month all 3 stations get together for a fun filled day of activity, usally on tues wed an thur. this gets A B and C shift, which always covers ems (usally 2 hrs, doing this each month gets the ceu's) HAZ-MAT, and some other training. depending on calls these days last 8 to 10 hours.

Our more active volunteers and cadets sometimes show up on the monthly training days, depending on thier work or school to train an ride with duty crews


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