Because one "Last one to post, wins" game isn't enough for the truly discerning FFN member...

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Because it takes skills to threadjack...

I was thinking "peanut butter cookie" but that would gum up the keyboard.
Kali, there you go with that dreaded "thinking" again...

Stream of consciousness is a wonderful thing, isn't it?
Only 405 404 replies behind the other "last post wins" thread. Bump.
Ben, replying to the other thread does help your case here too much now does it?

Now Miller Lite

Great taste or Less filling?
I just had a glass of ice water...does that count. And...I'm competing in both threads...twice the chance of winning, yanno?
Speaking of micro-brews...

Here is a picture of a couple of mutts engaged in the "Less filling... tastes great" debate.

Meanwhile... at the piano, Kitty keeps on singing.

I got a ticket, but what does she look like?
He's got a wallet size pic of her in his hand...
Going to have to do better than that pic., doesn't tell that much !
speaking of pictures, I saw this but don't know what I saw.


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