Over the years I have seen a couple of different paint jobs on Leathers, some of which I know are rank specific but some I think are assignment specific.
I have seen the top painted Red, but I have also seen each section painted alternating red and white, both seemed to designate truck companies. I also saw alternating black and white but have no idea what that was for.
I have also seen the back two section painted for officers positions. I have see both red, 1 red & 1 white, and both white. Anyone know if there is some roughly universal system?
The beautiful thing about the American fire service is that it is largely regionalized. I could tell you, with a certain degree of accuracy, what part of the US I was in just by walking into a firehouse. Equipment, lingo and apparatus are tell tell signs what region of the country you are in. Unlike our brothers and sisters across the pond where everything is largely uniform from one area to the next.
In so much as helmets go I would have to give the same answer...its regionalized rather than universal. A red helmet in my home department is a probie, where in my career dept. its a captain. A yellow helmet in my volunteer department isnt the same as a yellow helmet in our neighboring dept...and so on and so on.
I too have seen the helmets you are referring to but as far as a universal system...that i have yet to see, at least not here in the US.
I know that when the entire helmet is a single color, all bets are off. We used to issue Yellow helmets to our probies. One neighboring department issued the same type to their career drivers, and another neighboring department issued yellow to their Lieutenants. That was just one color and one city, and it got confusing.
historically, engine = black, red= truck , blue = rescue.. White helmet chief, captain, Lt. black helmet captain white frontpiece, LT black frontpiece with white parts typically though some will argue they should have ALL white too.. a squad = yellow
having the combs painted is something done in San fransico especially and has been done in baston aas well usually to denote truck guys ..ie: red alternating combs .. this is based upon career eastern traditions .... HAving officer colored helmets like red for captains seems silly your departments aren''t big enough NOT to know who they are lol
On my Department, Spokane Fire, we had black for engines and red for trucks. Then we changed to yellow for all with red and black numbers. When the current modern/salad bowel helmets came out we went to yellow for officers and red for firefighters. The switched to red for officers and yellow for FF to match the rest of our county and state. So we still have red and yellow. Alot of departments in Washington are changing back to black, it was banned by our state safety standard for 30 years because of low visibilty, then we discovered reflective tape!!Now I am so confused, I just know my helmet is the red leather one!