I was wondering last night now other Fire Departments are dispatched. Here's an example of us for Fire and EMS.

Fire/or other related call.
KDP-395 to all (Department) home receivers.
Report of a (nature of call) at address or location.
Cross roads between so on and so forth.
Repeats with KPP-395 clear at time given.
Requesting acknowledgement.

KDP-395 to all Department Home Receivers.
ALS or BLS/EMS Request at so and so residence.
Cross roads are between this and that.
For a something or other age male/female with complaint.
Repeats with KDP-395 clear at time given.
Requesting acknowledgement.

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Come on Fred your married, being at home now your dispatched more than ever these days...
On fires we get I belive its 3 min to Clear the call via radio before Repage. On medical the only time we get repaged is if the medics have an extended ETA or its a possiable death, or if the Medics request a repage because the medics are usualy on scene in about 10 min. This is the way it is for all 7 FDs in my county
here is one from my neck of the woods tones drop,dispatcher ask us to resopond to ..... on a structer fire,a 10.50 or a grass fire then we resopond that we are clear to the page and in route to the station

Torrington Fire Need you to respond to
(Address) for (Nature of Call)
Other information gathered (Injuies, Occupants, # Vehicals and so forth)
Knck277 Clear at (Time)

Followed by an acknowledgemnt from Station

*Structure Fire*

Dispatch - Command is enroute (repeating address and nature of call)

Command - Engine 4 enroute (repeating address) and giving a par # (5 or 6)

Command - Engine 5 enroute *same as about*

*Brush fires* are the same with diffented trucks being dispatched.

*MVA's* Rescue 1 is dispatched prior to the engines.
bref air space * tone * tone is for marlow first alarm XXX mill street (name or compane name) fire showing from second floor. one person unacounted for. time out 09:10 falowed by a second tone of the same fallowed by tones for nerbuy towns on the preplans

then when someone is responding such as 21-C1 or the truck wich ever is first to respond thay will give more info if thay have it other units responding hidrent local and so on
by the whay this call turnd in to a forth alarm we FD from close to 30 miles away our small town of less than one thaousand just goes to say IT CAN HAPPEN ANYWHARE be pepared
Very True
Hey Joe glad there is someone else on here from 25 and 26
Attention Warren County EMS, Pine Village Fire,
Respond to xxx S. Jefferson St,
For an elderly male with chest pain, possible heart attack,
Patient has a previous heart history,
Attention Warren County EMS, Pine Village Fire,
Respond to xxx S. Jefferson St,
For an elderly male with chest pain, possible heart attack,
Patient has a previous heart history,
WPLS514 21:02
seriously tho, if you are not interested in the topic why would you even read it... not tryin to be an a$$ or anything but if the topic of the discussion doesnt catch my eye im not going to read it anyway and leave smart a$$ remarks throughout... some ppl are actually interested in this kind of stuff, and we could care less if you are or not... theres my 2 cents on the issue
we are about the same, volunteer rural station, we have 5 mins before dispatch tones us again.

Sta 40 (nature of call) address and if its a working fire or mvc with subjects trapped operations channel switched to tac 4
same for ems
In Reno area, all Reno and volunteer departments are dispatched from Reno dispatch. Sparks (next bordering city) does their own. Reno will first dispatch on the 800 mHz used by all departments, then will dispatch the volunteers (if appropriate) on VHF. It would go something like this:
800 mHz: long single tone, Engine 13, Engine 35, Peavine volunteers, to a wildland fire, north slope of Peavine Mountain, map (page #) wildland fire north slope of Peavine Mountain, (command frequency -[ Reno gold or Truckee Meadows and which repeater]).

This will then be repeated with proper two-tone for whichever department, and same info on VHF. They usually give the volunteers five minutes to respond back before they issue a second pageout.

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