I started this group last week, and I see that I haven't received much activity on it as yet.
This Group is for senior members of the fire service that are over the age of 55. Maybe I should have named the group " On Top Of The Hill Gang " and then maybe I would get some activity. I don't want anyone to take offence by me using the theme " Over The Hill Gang " I was just trying to reach out to our senior members of the fire service that are still active. I know that there are a lot of us out there. If you think I should change the name of the group to " On Top Of The Hill Gang " or something else, please let me know. My aim was to start a group for members over the age of 55 that are still active. If anyone has any better names, or ideas please let me know. Thank you, and please be kind with your comments.

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Would rather be Over the hill than to be under it......LOL
Well............I'm over 55. I started in the fire/rescue service in 1966 first as a dispatcher
and office help for a private ambulance company (a friend's uncle owned it) and when I got
my FA training (no EMTs back then) and made it to age 18 I became an ambulance attendant.
At age 16 I joined the Volunteer Fire Dpeartment where I lived. That was in 1967. Got interested
in all of this because of the Civil Defense drills and training at school (Remember the Cold War
and the Missle Crisis?) Took an Emergency Medical Course (CD) in high school and that did it.

Got to be in the middle of the 1968 riots (DC) and the Anti-War riots and protests in the 1960's
and early 1970s. (MD and DC) Real fun there. NOT! Stayed with the ambulance company for a
few years, then moved on. It was fun, ike "Mother, Jugs and Speed" we cmpeted with a couple
of other companies in the area for trips! Love those old Caddys and Pontiacs! The VFD had an
ambulance as well! An International Travelall with the raised roof! Hey! "State-of-the-art" back
then! Our private ambulance company probably had the first van ambulance around when we
converted a 1968 Ford Econoline into an ambulance ourselves. Gutted it, paneled it, mounted
cabinets and stretcher, etc. Fairly simple and it worked well.

You really WERE something back then if you had ADVANCED First-Aid and that new-fangled CPR!

In the fire service, we ran open-cab apparatus (trucks and pumpers) well into the 1970's. The riots
basically put an end to that and closed cabs (canopy type) became the norm. Yeah! Riding the back
step and laying out! Riding open jump seats masking up standing up enroute! Tin Cairns Senator
helmets (turned backwards to keep the heat off!), 1st generation Scott packs, 15 minute sling packs,
3/4 boots and those old "Mickey Mouse" gloves! Going in and getting HOT!

These are things that today's fire service people will never know about! "Rehab" on the fire scene was
getting a drink of water out of the hose!

Began my paid fire service in 1973. We used open cab rigs where I worked for a few years. One was
a 1959 GMC 750gpm pumper. COLD in the winter!

Saw a lot of changes take place in the industry before I retired in 2001.

Some good and some not so good.

Come on! Let's hear from some of you other "antiques"!
Well, not that old....But...our first ambulance was a converted Oldsmobile hearse, and the catch phrase then was snatch and carry....Paul
O.K. Here I am. I' m over 55 and am currently a Fire Commissioner. I guess you can say I still have my fingers in the pie??? I retired after 30 + years as a Firefighter and moved to Idaho.
Mick, just came across your discussion and im 57 and am still acitive, holding the title of asst. chief, training officer and incharge of all interior fire fighting. Ive held every position from luient. to chief. held asst. chief for the past 18 years,
i'm close to being 55 and i'm medically retired but i still keep in contact. i was the old guy on my shift before i got out and i loved it. i loved being the senior man that the young guys would come to for stuff. i remember when i was a young guy looking up to the senior guys and being in awy of their expience and ability. When i hit my 20th year i asked another senior member "do i get to be in the group that actually runs the department now?" he said yea kid, you're in now. it was like becomming a "made guy" in the mob-lol, running the department is fun

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