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I will agree, medicals are great, love the feeling of helping someone. Just cant compare with fighting a fire.
True, medical calls are great, but fire fighting calls rock


the best calls are, PHYSICAL RESCUES; rollovers, over the side, structure collapes, trench rescue, etc...
sorry, i am a big USAR buff......
but i will agree, you do get the biggest adrenaline rush from fire calls, even small little auto fires.

Explorer Capt Marc Hurwitz
Los Angeles CITY Fire Department
I must say i work as a firefighter/paramedic but a fire is much more phsical work and realy rewarding after you knocked its ass down!
Oh no question, fires. Honestly I think the fire departments in our area get over used for med calls. Heart attacks, traumatic injuries, suicide attempts, yea I can see that, but G.I. bleeds? "Subject feeling nauseated"? C'mon, what are we as a volunteer fire department (hear no EMT or paramedics) going to do that the EMT's aren't?
Come on who doesnt like the 3 am my backs been hurting for 2 weeks call and now I want to go to the hospital lol (just kidding those calls suck)

Fire calls are definately the best the adrenline rush of the 3 tones or the house tone going over reporting a fire (no matter what type) and then showing up fire or smoke showing going to work and doing what you love, then standing back with your brother and sister firefighters knowing the effort you put in with them to get the job done theres no better feeling in the world.

And then adding a save just tops it all.

But I will agree a save with an EMS call with your brother or sister firefighters is also just as rewarding but again nothing tops fire
A call is a call....Of course you see people that you never see around the Department at fire calls.....They NEVER show up for any medical calls....but when the siren sounds....its off to the Firehouse.....
I personally love the lift assist calls Especially the one's where the patient is not hurt but can't get off the potty!

Real adreneline rush! Oh wait, make sure you wipe them first and pull up their depends too...
This is a trick question, right?
WP, it's not so hard, it's a multiple choice question...
here is what i have to say about that. yes we should be trainned in medical so that we can assist when and if needed, but that is what you have EMS for they do the medical. FIRE DEPT hint hint is for FIRE not EMS. so my answer is yes i do medical casue im trainned and have to but it dont beat the fire side of things. we all did not join the fire dept to do medical we did it for the firefighting side of it if we joined for medical we would have gone EMS not FIRE DEPT. anyhow that is my intake on it. FIRE DEPT IS FOR FIGHTING FIRE. EMS IS FOR EMS..
I still get a rush from most all calls, especially structures, wildfires and rescues. The only ones I don't enjoy are false alarms and assists like "Help! I need to be helped back into my wheelchair" at 3am. It's all good.
I prefer medicals. At a fire, the best you can do is help stop a bad day from getting even worse. On a medical, you might actually make someone happy!

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