does everyone have trouble finding and keeping ppl. It seem every call is the same crew. I love my small company but i wish there was more ppl there to crew calls sometimes

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I think just about every volunteer fire department goes though a stage that there is low members and times when there is high also. In every volunteer group not only firefighting this is a problem. Some idea that might work is make your station friendlier to have younger crowed hang out. Like get a TV and gamming system, pool table or some type of draw that makes them want to hang out during off times. Have family dinner night at the station. Do stuff to bring the spouses in so they see what there other half is doing and how important there job really is. Sure its tons of fun to wash the fire truck and make sure that everything is in order but the first draw is to get them to come to the station and hang out. The younger groups will take on more work load as needed. This In turn will take some of the work load off the older members.
For getting members to attend more calls start out with showing everyone’s call volume at the monthly meetings. Start a point system one point for each call you could assign a higher point to calls that have the lowest response. Have a raffle drawing for the members each point gets you one ticket to the raffle get something nice donated from a local store. Just some ideas that I have done work with and has work for our department.
Yep I totally understand. I have about 20 ppl on the roster, about 12 active firefighters and thats only on a weekend or evening for a good call, about average I get 5 ppl on a call. It sucks, I think the only way to solve the problem is either consulidations or going paid!!!!
I just joined so forgive me if I touch on things already talked about. Your right the same crew goes out on most calls. Unless it sounds really out of the ordinary a structure or gory med call. And summer is worse, manpower is down. What makes you mad is after the call, everyone has to leave. But the trucks are not rehabed yet, the supplies are not restocked and god forbid the paperwork is not finished,except forthat small few that get it done. The training required is a large load, shift workers suffer tring to get certs. Everyday a new requirment must be met. My answer is that there is no answer


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