What do we need or need to do in the county to make our fire service grow?

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Some people that have been on departments for soooo long their egos are set in stone. Sometimes changing the smallest thing is like moving a mountain. We must change and evolve or get left behind. If we start with ourselves keeping an open mind the next guys that come through the door might keep an open mind as well.
Darren hope you wasnt thinking i was calling you out lol. You are right attitude is contagious. I'll use Calcutta as an they are close to me. But if someone comes in complaining they said something about us it doesnt take my group long to get wound up about it. Sad as it is it may not be true it could be true. But i do see the poison of the events. Im sure its the same with them. But i cant see anyone believing it all as we work very well on scene together. Everyone has their issues. Easiest way around it step up or shut up. See there i go doing it lol. We cover each other. We run calls with each other and for each other. Its not about us. Its about the people we protect.
Tim we have to move forward. There are people with big egos. Some of them are very well trained and if we all could learn what they know we could be sharing in that ego lol. A big ego is not always a bad thing. Sometimes its a positive thing. Its i am the best and learn from me thing. That is knowledge at its best. If you can be cocky and back up it then great. Be cocky talking out your ass and or not willing to share then shame on you.. not referring to you but just the wording buddy. I would love to see everyone cross train to the point i could take 5 guys from station and plug them into yours without there being an issue one. Or take 5 guys from your station and plug them into mine. A d if we cant make that happen i say we blame the EMA ;-)
I probably could plug 90% of my guys into Glenmoor I have a great group of guys right now. It starts at the core if the officers handle themselves and lead by example everything should fall in line We work well with the departments around us and training together to learn more about each other.And Max does the EMA really do enough to get the blame on anything. hahaha. lmao!!
Oh no Tim we need to blame more on the EMA i was thinking if the coffee isnt great on meeting night we could blame Darren what do you think..
You guys have made us!! We do make terrible coffee!!
You could probably plug 90% of your guys into any department expect the same results. And you are 100% right about (1) it starts at the core and (2) does the EMA do enough to get the blame on anything.
I agree with you. well i can say for the coffee as i dont drink coffee lol. plugging people in to any department i say can be done but how effectivly?? i have talked with people that only 4 or 5 guys can run the pump. we start everyone off learning pumps. hell we have had juniors at 16 or 17 that could out pump people twice their age. that is what i mean by plugging them in. i myself would like to be able to grab anyone and know i could put them on my pump, hand them my jaws with out fear. it wouldnt bother me (much) to jump on anyones pump and know that i could be effective. (lucky me they are 90% all the same basics). as far as on ground operations i believe we could plug in to anyone.. or just abut anyone. here is where we start to build the change. this is where we take charge and move forward. FYI i rode by EMA today i think someone did make bad coffee wasnt a car on in the lot lol.. be safe all.
Darren if i stop tomorrow the coffee will be fresh right?
Hey what's up with bashing the EMA? Someone must be making a decent cup of coffee there, everytime I go to get a cup, the pot is empty! And just be careful where you go with the age thing! There are some old farts that are receptive to change, even though it may give them a heart attack or two! LOL
I agree completely about us all needing to learn to work together, and I'm not just referring to the fire departments. For way too many years, our entire area seems to have been caught up in what looks like high school cliques. In my opinion, this petty bickering is a big reason why we keep watching our kids graduate and move out of the area. If we don't learn to knock it off, we'll never have anything around here again. That is one reason I joined this group-when there's a really big one, we all get toned (does anyone remember Harker pottery?). Max, we run into the same thing on our side of the river-department A badmouthing department B, etc.
OH your right on here. The good ol boy days are long gone. You know have to do something as far as training to be on the fire dept. But i have heard people complain about that. Were volunteers we shouldnt have to to this or that. ive been to that class before had this stupid class seven years ago it was not worth the time.People need to keep up with new. Change is a hard thing for the fire service in general but the changes are for the better. How do you know whats out there if dont educate yourself.Training is very valuable but you only get out of it what you put into it. Im always open to training. I have 8 guys going to the county fire school and wish i had more that could go. and probablly will have a few more when they hear how good the training was.
There are two ways to go in the fire service. Forward or backward. Yes it may be label the same class as 8 years ago but its not the same class. Everything changes and those who don't think it should or don't want to see it should get out now before them get themselves or someone else killed. Cars are different today than they where just 2 years ago. Rushing in to cut them apart will get you hurt will get your victim hurt and worst off will damage your rep in the public. How do you explain to a family you killed someone by letting them enter a house the same we always have knowing its not made the same way as 5 years ago??? instead of nails and studs we have glue and obs board. I don't care how strong you say it is standing in front of me tell me how strong it is when its heated. I truly hate to say it but if we continue to fight fires the way we have since 1970 1980 1990 hell even 2000 WE WILL IN THE NEXT 5 YEARS HAVE A LINE OF DUTY DEATH!!!!!! there is no way to avoid it. Time will catch up to all of us. It will be unoccupied structure (probably foreclosed) that had been burning for half hour before we knew about. Enter it because thats what we have always done. Just what i think but what do i know i am accused of being over dramatic all the time. Guy from Columbus told me one “training does not make perfect, training makes permanent.” if you train as you did in 1985 you will be a 1985 department. It falls back to the this department thinks they are better than us. Instead of sitting around bitching about how they think the other department down grades them. I say shut them up. If you feel a department is talking about you why is it. Could it be you are lax you are not up to par. Put up or shut up. Prove them wrong. Train harder than they do. Bring stuff in to improve your guys. We all have the people who say i don't need or i have been doing it this way since a grasshopper was knee high to a dinosaur. Leave them think that way. Don t let them hold you back. Step past them move forward. There are people who talk bad about my department. We know why its jealousy. They see what we do. They see how people look and respect us. How other departments work with us. What is the easiest way to meet the level of department you see as better than yours. Its not to training to meet them. Its to talk trash and down grade them so that you think they are under your level.
my department will let anyone come train with us. Come be apart of what we do and how you do it. See how we apply the trainings we have to how we operate. The county school is one of the best things that has happened to this county in a long time. We are having 3 great classes. Yes we all do auto extraction trainings, water movement trainings, and air pack search and rescue training. But where did you get this knowledge from?? was it the same guy that now sits back and says this is how we have always done it. Yes people train, sadly it is always the same way we have always done it. The people getting out to these class and i am sure Tim will agree get them out them to learn something, THEN BRING IT BACK to the rest of the department to learn. I have heard people say Derek Day is an A$$HOLE. Ok i will agree to that i bet if you asking him he will say the same thing. But what makes him and a$$hole. Is it that he has a lot of knowledge that most don't have. Is it that he is very good at what he does. Some trainings you have to be a little hard core to get the ideas threw. Will you allow your since of pride to keep from learning from him. I am friends with Derek or at least ill claim him. What i see is that he is upfront (which no one likes anyone that will truly tell them what they are thinking). Didn't i say the same thing about Chief Chamberlain. You don't have to like him to learn from him. If you don't like him more power to you. But look at the reason why. OPENMINDED here people. Lets share in what we know how we know it. Learn from whats in front of you. Take advantage of what we have in this county. What we can bring into this county. Maybe its not they way you have always done it. Does that make it wrong. Does that mean it wont work. Lets push forward. Lets learn from each other. Lets cross train. I work two days a week. Ill go train with anyone who is open. I want to know how everyone works. Like you or not i can learn from you. I can take back what you know to my department. Show my guys and maybe we can save one of our own. Maybe we can save a resident. Is it not worth losing the pride inside to better yourself.
side note Willie the coffee pots at the EMA are always empty because no one ever wants to see coffee in them!!!! lol just kidding one day i will start drinking coffee and tell everyone how great it is. But until them............


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