Thought I'd share a draft version of the new user code of conduct we're going to be rolling out soon. Feel free to post your comments or contact us directly with feedback (just message us) .

This is part of our ongoing effort to make the site a great destination for BOTH social AND professional networking for fire and rescue.

Dave User Code

First, the legal mumbo jumbo…

  1. is intended for use by current and former fire, rescue and EMS professionals. Non-emergency service personnel may be subject to review and removal.
  2. Using this site to spam/advertise or solicit members in any way will result in account termination. Commercial companies are welcome to have profiles on the site but please do NOT send unsolicited messages or friend requests to our members. Additionally, any forum posts, blogs or other content uploads that are intended to solicit business, promote offerings, etc. are not permitted.
  3. Posts, blogs and content on your profiles—including photos and video—that contain excessive profanity, nudity, or other types of offensive content, suspicious/spam/phishing links, attempts to get personal information from other users that is not welcome, etc. will be removed. The Webmaster reserves the right to remove such content and users without advance notice.
  4. This is an all-ages site. Keep that in mind when posting content.
  5. Members are encouraged to report issues that affect the reputation and professionalism of the site, as well as any inappropriate or offensive content, by using the Report an Issue link at the bottom of every page.
  6. Any material that is protected by copyright laws including news stories, photos or other materials will be removed if reported/found.

Next, some suggested guidelines for posting content…

  1. Create an accurate, complete profile. Fictional profiles don’t help us grow the community. Feel free to limit your contact information, but organizational affiliations, experience, etc. should be accurate. Also worth nothing, ising your real name helps other users find you more easily.
  2. No personal attacks. Dialog and debate are encouraged, but if you wouldn’t say it to their face, don’t say it in writing. Treat others as you would want to be treated.
  3. Limit SHOUTING.
  4. Learn. There’s a ton of posts that discuss tactics, training drills, and loads of other information. Contact those posters to learn how you can learn more. Put it in writing for all to read/share. When you write it, we all learn.
  5. Remember that anyone can join the Nation, so members of your organization, even your chief, could be reading what you say.
  6. Share. You’ll feel more of the community if you post too. Share your thoughts, a great fire photo, video of a training drill. Also, invite your fire service colleagues and friends to become members as well. The bigger we get, the more features we can add to the site!
  7. Link, don’t copy. In general, copying a couple paragraphs of a copyrighted story is OK, but anything more than that constitutes infringement. So just link to it instead; it makes your posts shorter and easier to read!
  8. Don’t take offense. This is a community and it’s meant to generate discussion. If someone posts a comment disagreeing with something you’ve posted, look at it as an opportunity to broaden your perspective. Don’t take it personally. Questions that generate debate cause each of us to dig deep and think about the way we do things. Critical thinking is exactly what this community is about.
  9. Think about firefighter safety. Fire service pranks and mishaps can be amusing, but it’s irresponsible to post such content in such a way as to promote unsafe actions by other firefighters. The copycat syndrome is alive and well; let’s not give those with poor judgment even more material to choose from. Think before your post: Is it legal, is it safe and would my department want this posted on the front page?
  10. Respect the fallen. Reserve judgment until the true facts are out in order to respect those who have paid the ultimate price. Comments regarding LODDs and injuries should be respectful and constructive.

Thanks again for helping Firefighter Nation become the great community it has become! We have nearly 35,000 members and many, many more visiting each month.

Be a part of our growth by using the Invite Tool to encourage your co-workers and friends in the fire/rescue service to join the Nation.

Views: 241

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Replies to This Discussion

Isn't there a creme for that?
I think it's called Udder Butter.
Cows won't freak out if your hands are dry and chapped.
Less likely to cause chaos.
Most likely we will be regulated by the FFA and not the FCC.
Is that just a throw-away line Paul, or is it directed at someone?
No, Tony just a "throw away"....lately I haven't seen much to comment about here unless we chat about Jrs. or the color of equipment......maybe it is time for me to take some "time off...".....Paul
I'm staying well away from the juniors and equipment colour threads myself. But Chris is posting some worthwhile scenarios. But sometimes a break is good.
how do you report non-emergency personnel
This is good. I think having rules and regs here will help alot.
good to me
Hey Chief, All of it sounds good. I'm a little bit of a grammatical person. Under the Create an Accurate and Complete profile catagory, in the last sentence, should that be USING and not ISING? Just checking before you make it final. Thanks again and stay safe!
Have to control it because some people are getting on here that should not be here.
No problem with those guidelines here!
i like the code of conduct guidelines..
i really liked "damnthings" idea for the junior and explorer page..
he has a very good point when it comes to helping promote recruitment into the fire service..
after all the juniors and explorers are the next generation to take our place when we are gone..
an area for them to post questions and ideas is something that would probally help the juniors and explorers out..
Dave ; I think that the code that you have laid out is a great start keep the good work after all we all can learn something

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