Discuss the difference between Junior Firefighters And Explorers.
I'm really confused on all of them,
Someone told me explorers had to do with the boyscouts, and we're a little more limited / held back.
I don't know though.
And if there is another post on this somewhere, i'm sorry, i looked but didnt find something

Whats the difference?
Im currently a Junior, no explorer program

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The firefighter EXPLORER program is set up through the Boy Scouts of America. This is a good way to go if your department doesn't want to deal with liability issues. The liability is covered under BSA but. . they have their program structure that you pretty much follow. It is a good program. We have had Explorer Posts in the past. They require a board & leaders etc. . It is worth looking into if you are considering involving young people in your department. One catch is that you have to have a certian number of adults involved as well as a minimum of members.

JR firefighters are basically young members of the FD. They need supervision and training. It is a huge liability so you need to make sure your insurance will cover them.
I am an explorer. Basically we have insurance through boy scouts i mean we have limitations but who doesn't even if you are an explorer or a Jr.?

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