Okay here it goes:

I and a few other juniors have asked for some reasonability and the chief said (to our surprise) he would let us plan, arrange, and execute a dept wide drill(or who ever shows up drill)Two days in spring break. We want it to be something that we don’t usually do at drills. We have been thinking about confined space drills and search and rescue drills, stuff like that but that doesn’t seam good enough for a dept wide drill. Frankly we need some help with ideas.

P.S. we have been thinking about going around to local businesses and asking for donations (not money, just stuff for drills, plastic pipes and wood for confined spaces drill for example) and then making them a framed certificate in gratitude.

Your ideas are appreciated.

Dustin Allen
Junior S.S.F.D

Views: 186

Replies to This Discussion

A Haz-Mat drill is always a good option. Too many departments depend on a specialized team to respond and save the day. Many times, a department can mitigate the situation with a little knowledge and common sense. It helps if some of the members are technician qualified.
Hi there,This is Patrick from Thorhild.You could do all the stuff that was mentioned.Now for a switch do it all in your local playground. SAR is great fun blindfolded with your hood over your face mask going up the tube slide.Super photo ops as well,invite your local tv or paper news.


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