WELL WELL WELL our little redneck fire deparment is on-lin who would-a thunk it, we need to get more of our members to get on ff nation and get in this gorup! Cunningham is on the rise!!!!!!!!


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JT after 90 days your probationary time is over and you will be able to dirve and vote in the depatment. This class is required by montgomery co. and the state of TN to oerate emergency vehicles. You must also get checked off on complete pump operations on 1612 and 1611. You must also know how to operate all equipment and pumps on all trucks. holla buddy
If anyone needs to talk about what happened this morning, please have them give me a call. If I can't help directly, I will get someone who can. I've been through this on several occasions and I will do anything I can to help. DON'T be too tough to talk or get help if it's bothering you. Everyone deals with death in a different way, no way is right or wrong. If you let it bother you without talking to someone, you can expect a short career in this business. I hear everyone did a great job this morning. Keep it up! I wish I could have been there to help, but I was taking some sedating medication for this cold I'm fighting and I was in another world when the call came in. Be SAFE!
To all of my brothers and sisters that are concerned about me prsonaly and the 1027 with the fatality, I am SO glad that there is support from so many. Truth be known That I am good here, I knew that this was part of the job when I signed up. Its not a perfectworld and the circle of life must go on. The only thing really that I dont understand yet, is I really dont feel bad about the situation because, it was in the lords hands and she met him before I could or couldn't do anything about it. And, that has got me thinking a little. I am not a bad person. Should I feel depressed, or sad for the loss of my first? I am not happy at all about the loss of life and property, and I do send my respect to the surviving members of her family. But I was brought up in church and have myself experianced life, and feel that everything is God's will. And, if should take one even in their prime, then it was for the best and they are in a far better place than you and I. I have been taught this my entire life so I view death as maybe a start of a better exsistance. I hope this is not wrong of me... I hope that my brothers know that I would trade mine for theirs with no hesitation and no remorse, and the same would go for any victims I would encounter in the future. But when God calls us to be with him, there is nothing any can do. So I do feel a little something about not feeling anything. I hope that I am not prejudged for this but, that was the way I was raised. Enough said about this, I have got way to many people at the depatment that count on me and I in turn count on them for this to be an issue. I love all of you like true brothers and thank you for your support and care.I think for this one here I am ok. But, you dont know how much it means to me to be able to trust ya'll with my life and after the other morning, I fought next to the best FF in the world hands down, I give my loyalty and my life if ever in need to be part of this family. Thanks to all of you that were there in body beside me and the ones that could not make this one. Thanks. God Bless. JT
JT you are exactly right. Everything is in God's hands and when it is our time to go there is nothing we or anybody else can do about it.

I think you did a fantastic job at the fire and I am proud to say you are one of my Brothers in the fire service, and I am looking forward to serving a long career with you in both the county and the city (when you do get hired on). If you get bored today I will be at Station 1 today down town riding the rescue truck. I have watch from 8 to 12 but anytime after lunch feel free to stop by and take a look at some more of the city's trucks. It will be reel relaxed over there today with it being Saturday.
well cunningham in coming up in the world,lol,and matt ur right ,YOU CAN COUNT ON CUNNINGHAM!!!,hey and graet job on the group paged,
keep the word goning and lets get more people from the department on here


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