Dear Brothers in Christ:
I ask that you please pray for my family as we just found out yesterday that our son has type 1 diabetes. Also I ask that you pray that we will be able to quickly stabilize his levels and also that he be spared from some of the devistating effects of this disease. Thank you!

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Will pray for you and your family, just remember the Lord is all powerfull
Dear Brother/Sisters in Christ:
You will be pleased to know that our son's levels have quickly stabilized and he is doing quite well. Praise God!!
Thanks to all that prayed for us!
Daniel and family
Heavenly Father,I pray for this family.I pray that their trials they are going through now will be gone forever.Your word says..."By His stripes we are healed".I beleive that and everyone here in this group beleives that.We know You are the Great Physician,You can do all things.We pray that this child's infirmaty will leave them and to never return.We rebuke Satan and his minions in this and all matters in the name of Jesus Christ.Father I thank you for healing this child and for Your Mercy and Your Grace.In Jesus' name we pray....AMEN.God Bless you and your family and may God keep you safe.


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