I am talking about a helmet. Would you spend your own money for a helmet if you didn't like the one issued to you by the department? Would it be leather or plastic? New York style or Metro? Rachet, adjustable suspension?
How much is your noggin worth?

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i would buy a NY leather, of course im a exploerer so this really dosent apply to me, but id like to keep the traditon going, and besides id trust leathers way more then plastic
I just bought my own helmet i bought a defender my department gave me a cairns 880 i love that one to i just wanted a defender so i bought it. Im gonna buy a leather new yorker here soon
My noggin is worth a lot to me. But i would not spend the money to buy my own, i will use the one that was issued to me.
Yep! Would and did. My current department issues the Bullard traditional style helmets. Good helmets, but I love the Cairns brand helmets and I've wanted a leather for years and finally broke down and got myself a New Yorker. (With Chiefs approval of course!) It's been well worth the wait too I might add. I've worn the wheelchock metro style helmets and tupperware traditionals from Morning Pride and Cairns, and by far like the leather lid the best. As far as boots, leather beyond all doubt is the best fitting boot in my opinion making it worth the dough as well.
I guess coming from a small money strapped Dept I would gladly buy my own helmet and much of the rest of my gear, some of it actually gets used for where I work also. Our Dept has a budget of about ten K a year so most stuff is hand me downs, plus I'll not lie I am what some call a whacker. I consider it liking what I do, but to each there own. Over time I know I've spent several thousand in gear and equipment. But I would rather have up to date stuff then that out dated equipment I have at the station to issue out and some of it is just so much more comfortable. I.E. my rubber boots that I can stand to wear an hour or so compared to my leathers that I've worn for days on several occasions. Plus I like the fact that when I own it if I'm stupid enough to burn it up it's my loss. I have seen that problem if it's private owned they take care of it, if I issued it it's trashed on short order and they want new and get mad when they don't get it.
Chief, Certainly the Cairns New Yorker , I wouldn't buy or have any other helmet it is very well made and my head is well worth it . I have the adjustable along with Burkies. Chief I would love to hand the bills for all of my equipment to our Politicians in the Commonwealth of PA and see what they would say.Stay Safe Hughie 57 House
Yes I would. That way it is mine and I know the fit is perfect
I wouldn't, but my wife would. She's bought me two so far.

Apparently she's under the false impression that there's enough under there worth saving...

I have the names of my wife and kids written on the underside of my helmet so that after I've donned my mask and pulled my hood over, just before I put on my last piece of armor - they're the last thing I see before going in. That helps keep me focused on coming out the other side alive.

Stay safe. Train often.

PS - My boss bought me a New Yorker upon my promotion and I have a fourth (Paul Conway) that the job bought. I use it just for training.

My chief's helmet hangs on the wall next to the eight others in my collection, including the first metal helmet that I wore 28 years ago. It has "Schmittendorf" in my hand writing with magic marker on the back tail. I'm such a blownut. LOL
I would love to see the Commonwealth kick in a little more, although I usually receive the Fire Commissioners grant each year. We did just re-elect Mr. Marshall back to his seat in the House, he replaced Mike Veon. He seems to be trying on the subject, he comes from one of my mutual Depts. What kills us the most is our Municipality will not give us anything or back us on anything.
I just threw down about $350 for the Cairns 880. I've worn metros for the past 10 years and thought it was time for a change. I went a full 180 this time. From metro with a face shield to a traditional style with goggles and bourkes. I think I'm the first one in the Dept to acctually buy their own head gear so I'll probably stir the pot a little. I like the look of the traditional with the hose it off, throw it in the back seat and forget about it maitenance. Plus, it's one of the few pieces of my gear that I can say is mine.

My thoughts on helmet type and material are to go with your preference. Leather, plastic, kevlar, whatever. Heck, I don't care if you wear a pee-wee football helmet with a mag light duct taped to it.
If it works for you, it works for me.
I'll admit it i spent a heck of a lot more than $400- Leather boots ( makes my feet happy), new gloves (keeps my hands happy), and two, yes two brand new helmets. One plastic 1044 when i had little money, and now i just upgraded to a New Yorker Leather, i love my leather more (it makes my head happy)-
all in all, its our lives that need to be safe, and if you feel safe in the things you buy not the things you are issued, then price shouldn't matter.
Omnis Cedo Domus
Hey tiger-
i dont have a wife or kids to write their names under my brim, but in silver sharpie i have EVERYONE"S #1 GOAL writen under my leather's front brim, "OMNIS CEDO DOMUS" Everyone Goes Home...
Ps: You said blownut not me! ... lmfao! your too funny dude...

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