At a recent association meeting, We had a "discussion" about posting company photos on the internet. The subject being photos from the recent officer's party. We have a bar in our firehouse. People posted photos on various internet outlets and were reprimanded because over the bar we have a mirror etched with our company symbol.

Before people start in, realize this, I am not asking whether or not you think having a bar in a firehouse is right or wrong. I'm just asking what your company's SOG is on posting photos over the internet.

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Well one thing to understand is that a lot of times, it's obvious that pictures shouldn't go on a department's website. However, sometimes people don't consider that before posting the pictures to facebook/myspace etc. People don't think that these pictures from social websites will get out. They can.

While it's not fire related, here's a perfect example:,2933,448044,00.html
I would be more concerned about having a bar in the fire station then pictures of the bar in the fire station making it to the internet.

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