ok. i have visited other fire houses and been around several different fire houses my whole life. And i was just wondering what is the deal with fire houses and porn. the fire house im at now is the only one ive ever been in where there wasnt any porn. So wuts the deal with fire houses and having porn?

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i am surprised there is still porn around the fire stations since they are now male/female firefightrers
So are you complaining that your current firehouse is unfortunately porn free?

Mike, welcome to reality and kudos to your fire administration for changing with the times. They obviously have seen what many other Chief's and/or Fire Department's are currently dealing with or have dealt with in the past with lawsuits.
Yes Mike those departments that show porn and have beer at their station and not professional at all and give use all a bad rap. We're NOT supposed to have that around when were supposed to be something for the public to look up to.
At our station, we have it blocked on the dispatch computer, if you bring in your laptop then you have access to it. However we do not allow it in the living area. So basicly no one looks at it while they are there. Like Erik said, leave it at home and look at it then. No one really needs to see it while they are at the station.
If it was good porn it wouldn't be so bad, but I've only seen.....er I mean laying around.....er I've only come across really bad stuff. Bad porn should be outlawed! Oh yeah keep it out of the firehouse.
YES, no skin allowed............LOL:)
Call me old fashioned but if you are on duty and not fire fighting, rescuing, training, eating, or sleeping you should be working on equipment and not gawking at porn. Where does that gawking fit into the duty description you swore to do. Off duty do what you want. TCSS
Well what needs to be understood is that volunteer fire departments (and since the paid division started with volunteers, ALL fire departments) were started not only as an organization to benefit the community but also as a bit of a men's social club. Therefore, alcohol and pornography (among other things) were acceptable. As I'm sure we're all aware, the fire service tends to be steeped in tradition and reluctant to change about anything. I'm not saying that beer and porn is a firehouse tradition, but that the apathy towards changing with the times with real tradition tends to spill over into other matters.
Time was that all firehouses were fully stocked with alcohol and pornography and some just haven't gotten around to changing yet.
The way it's been explained to me (and maybe this is only my department) is that you kinda have to think of the firehouse as being two separate entities. There's the bays, that's the department's domain. That's where all the work gets done. All the firefighting, apparatus maintenance, etc. Then there's the association room which I suppose is more of a social club. Technically firefighters aren't drinking and looking at porn as part of the fire department, but as part of the association.
Does this make it right? no.
Does the public understand that there's a difference between the two? hell no.
I'm just trying to shed some light on the subject.
As I said, I was not stating that it was right. Frankly, I think porn has no place in the firehouse. I was merely trying to state why porn and alcohol were there in the first place and the justification some people use to keep it there.
Thats a good question. I know that in my dept it is against policy and that we are subject to locker inspection and if found then we are dismissed.
"...but is the swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated the next to go?"

YES... eventually.
you better get that calander out of your locker then Philly :)


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