Do you have what it takes to be a Smoke Diver? Many have tried but been denied by thier own limitations. Yep, thats right, your limitations! I know that firefighting is about team work, but here at the Mississippi Fire Academy, we teach you about yourself as well. The Goals Have Been Set, Can You Measure Up?
The man that says; "I can't" and the man that says; "Ican" are both correct, which one are you?

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Before Firefighter 1 and its predecessor Firefighter-Basic, we had various courses that when put together, equalled the training that FF1 provides today. At that time, the Ontario County smoke diver course was designed to give additional training, experience and knowledge to experienced firefighters who had taken the prerequisite courses.

Back then, when you finished the smoke diver course you were at the apex of perfection in terms of the training then available. The instructors ran the classes quite rigorously, to push the students up to and beyond their limits. When the class was completed there was a real sense of accomplishment, and some of the graduates did in fact think themselves as the elite, or the best of the best.

Now, many people feel that Firefighter I has replaced the smoke diver training, however many others disagree. I personally feel that, while FF I does prepare a person for all aspects of firefighting including interior fire attack, the interior of a burning building is a very hostile environment (as we all know) and FFs need to keep their wits about them regardless of conditions inside. The smoke diver training provides additional live fire experience, and is essential to further prepare a FF for unexpected conditions and situations that may arise. When a Mayday event occurs, the training has to kick in automatically.

In my department our interior FFs must be smoke divers; today the requirement for participation in the smoke diver training is FF I plus three years experience as an active firefighter.
And your method I have absolutely no issue with Joe. Further training for all after a period where they have had the oppotunity to put into practice their initial training. They go from untrained to trained but with no experience; they gain experience; they undertake further training. Good system! (Remember, we're all part of the same organisation here, all 1200+ Brigades in the State.)

It's the elitist connotation which comes with only cerrtain people being given the opportunity to do the further training that I don't like. Giving people a special title when they've completed that special training, I don't like. I just don't like elitism! We've traditionally had our own version of elitism amongst vols. 'Traditionally' we had 'Urban' and Rural' brigades. The urban thought they were 'better than' the rural, the rural thought they were 'better than' the urban. Having different vehicles, different training, different uniforms, and the word 'Urban' or 'Rural' in the Brigade name all helped towards this stupid division. Sensible people are working towards the removal of all traces of this idiotic 'tradition' - it's happening.
Georgia's program is 60 hours broken down in to 6 days...but before you can even start these 6 days you have a Qualification Test - physical training exam & paper test (that covers items learned in FF1)
very true i was going to post the Georgia site but you got to it berfore me thanks...i'm considering doing it after i get my FF1...i just finished Mod 1...So i got time to get ready physically
Its all about cardio and upper body strength but mostly mental strength.
awesome thanks for that info...any ideas on strenghting the upper body would be greatly appreciated
Hello Charlie. Brother let me thank you for your response in the matter of this course. I've been very busy here over the holidays so I haven't been able to respond.
Your point was right on. This course is not about being a super hero firefighter. It's not about bragging rights or self acylates. It's about learning yourself and your capabilities/ incapabilities, Leadership, TEAMWORK, and thinking out of the box when the CRAP hits the roof.
You were also correct about Georgia and Mississippi having a very similar course. I know I may catch a lot of opinions from this one, but the two are the hardest (Most physically demanding) in the world to complete.

The server may be down right for a minute but when you get a chance check out the above website.
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Can you list the objectives for your state's Smoke Diver course?

Also, can you provide validation references for those objectives?

"two are the hardest (Most physically demanding) in the world to complete". You have ecidence for this? Documented proof?

Too many people give this type of statement. Support your course and other courses with reasoned statements, not blanket statements that are really garbage.
Smoke Diver, you first make these comments:
Being a smoke diver means prestige.

This is THE most prestigious certification to be handed down to a firefighter!

Then you contradict yourself and say:
This course is not about being a super hero firefighter. It's not about bragging rights or self acylates.

Sounds like BS to me- either the program should be on offer to ALL members because it's in their best interests, or the minimum stabdards for SCBA use need to be rewritten because they're obviously flawed as they don't teach safety, endurance, etc
lutan 1 anybody can take this class but usally everyone dosent pass. I dont think this class is bs It pushes you pass your limits and teach you alot of self survival skills .when your done when this class you will always know in back of your mind that you probaly will never face anything harder than what you did in that class. it is a very hard class you better to be ready if you want to finish it. It is an advanced class and is not made for everyone just like all doctors cant be surgens all firefighters cant be smokedivers without a little work. Go try it and then you can call it bs until then get your facts straight if you want to make comments

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